    What is the difference between training and development?

    0  Views: 1478 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 Answer

    Hi Riya, 

    Firstly note that the two words are often used interchangeably, referring to the same thing, where in reality their application is quite widely different. 

    Training often relates to hard skills, that can be easily measured and delivered in a classroom or supervisory environment. For example, a First Aid course is considered training because a person's ability to or not to apply a bandage can be very clearly measured. Often training is associated with certificated skills. 

    Development is a wider term, covering the far broader aspects of personal development. To develop an employee is to provide them with resources to apply skills and to refine them, often over a sustained period of time. This links far closely to soft skills, such as the ability of a person to communicate or lead - although not exclusively. Therefore training is a tool to aid the development of the individual. 

    Most often in business these terms are used as one - "Training and Development Officer" but rarely these roles actually incorporate the development of an individual and training too. The development of an employee often relies upon the input from their line manager instead. 

    I hope this helps,


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