    India tech support incompetence. I am in my 9th day of a nighmare. I bought a HP 4 in 1

    printer. My computer was running a little slow but I paid them $169 for a one-time fix. After 8 days and 34+ hours, they finally set up the printing function. They couldn't hook up the fax and scan functions. They said there's a defect with the printer. I'm covered, and am bringing it back for a refund/exchange. Today, when I tried to use Microsoft Word 2010 I couldn't access it. I told them to fix it. They have already refunded the $169 and now want another $169 to fix what they ruined! I said that all I want is for them to make me whole; restore me to where I was before you got your hands on my computer! . I got this message: "Microsoft Word requires the file msointl.dll to run. Run setup again to assure proper installation." I don't know how to do this and need step-by-step instructions. Thanks

    0  Views: 812 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers



    See here >>>


    I don't think I have the product key. Would the msointdll work without it? Thank you.

    Do you still have the activation key for Microsoft word? If you do, I would uninstall word and reinstall it. What you have now is a corrupt Microsoft Word program. You will not be able to fix that. You have to find the 2010 version. Once installed it will ask for the activation key. Type it in. 

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