    Is it trure that the Clintons were broke when they left the white house,??

    +6  Views: 1163 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    8 Answers

    If their lifestyle is what they call broke, I'd like some of that.

    Broke like me? Now that’s broke. One month of my wages MIGHT cover half of one of her outfits. Tell them McDonald’s has a dollar menu and I know of a few dumpsters that leave food for the homeless……..



    According to the liar Hillary, they were. I do not believe her however. They made millions from speaking engagements and you can add in the revenue from the books and articles Hillary wrote during his presidency. They earned a lot more than just the $416,039, they claimed in 1999. A good accountant can hide money and there are the off shore bank accounts that no one can pry into.......

    Hillary has earned 5 million dollars to date since she left the office of Secretary of State in 2013. The fact that both she and Bill charge so much for speaking engagements makes it difficult to believe they were ever broke.  

    Hillary interview with Diane Sawyer:


    She got 800 million just in advance for her book ! But, if you total up all their legal bills, I guess that's what Hillary was referring too. I wouldn't want to vote for a candidate that can't even keep his / her own spending in order- - -can't manage money

    8 million, not 800 million. I would not vote for someone who had as many legal bills as she has had either. Especially when she holds a law degree and was once a lawyer.

    Yes...the worst kind of broke, "DEAD BROKE!" They have since been revived: She just lost my vote.


    Yes i find it a bit hard to belive,

    If it weren't for this you would have voted for her? Even after Benghazi? She would be an even larger destructive force in this country than Obama. Isn't it amazing that Bill could leave his presidency with a balanced US budget and excess spending money (that Bush promptly used up), but supposedly they were privately broke? She's such a liar.

    It was a knee-jerk reaction. Whatever little respect I had for her is now gone.

    OK. Phew, you had me worried there ;)

    I know. She's one of your favorites.

    Yup, she's right up there with Obama in my book of favorites.

    Colleen and Bob/PKB agree on SOME things!

    She is a politician. If you believe her, then you might be interested in a bridge I have for sale. Serious inquiries only.


    I hope you're not selling the Sydney harbour bridge.I threw it in as a deal clincher when I flogged the Opera House.:)

    No matter how fat their wallets, those people have been morally bankrupt for years. I wouldn't let them carry my trash to the curb. 


    I gather you were not a fan of them Miss Bob,

    Not in the least. Horrible people. Disgraceful.

    So you would not have high tea with them??O,L,L,

    Absolutely not!

    Where'd they get the money for Chelsea's education and for her expensive wedding ?


    Chelsea,gets thier money from Abomovitch the Russion Oligark,

    Comon guys,,lets be a little bit understanding here hey..Most people who are filthy rich,are on the bones of their bum when they are down to their last $5 million okay,,so a little bit of compassion would not hurt here,,Thank you for listening >>>>>as they say in the supermarkets..have a nice day....................................

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