    climate change

    Canada and Australia agree on climate change?? It is a split debate in Aussie, is it the same in Canada, i get the impression Harper does not want to effect jobs and i do not think Abbot does either..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    +3  Views: 1498 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

    First it was Global Warming, that started controversy, so AlGore changed it to climate change. I will say this, there's so much money being made to keep this ball rolling, the green industry is booming! Of course there is climate change, you can go back in weather recorded time and geological evidence that proves that throughout the years the climate has been changing, but it fluctuates, it's not a downward spiral.  At one time, the world was almost all tropical, then another time it was almost all frozen.  These changes in climates were not caused by human destruction, it's the normal course of the planet.   Greenies have jumped on this and follow it's guidelines due to social acceptance. It's the cool thing to do.  Be green.   The only real thing green about it is green money! And these people's arrogance is such that 'we are responsible for the future'-- As if to say, people in the future will not be smart enough to solve their own problems.  It's not a problem! The planet will undergo climate changes as the norm, the real problem is the greedy liars that convince people to open their wallets and make them rich. 

    terryfossil 1

    The whole thing is about cutting back on (Carbon Emissions ) they now call Carbon Dioxide a pollutant, try living without it..Always nice talking Vinny,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Yeah, we used to call Carbon Dioxide a fertilizer- Talk about shooting one self in the foot, it also makes all trees green and all veggies luscious eating. So all the lefties that are vegans, and all the tree huggers are going to have a problem when they kill it all off, perhaps we should stop breathing, they have already began blaming cattle farts on global warming too.

    So, I guess all of those climate scientist are wrong, even though it is a huge majority of them that say this is different? I don't suppose they took past climate fluctuations into consideration, after all they are only experts in their field. Well, that's good, now I can relax. Of course, part of the problem is all those righties that wouldn't know a scientific fact if it walked up and introduced itself. Methane is a problem because it affects the climate to a greater extent at lower levels than carbon dioxide and is produced by cattle at large levels because of the size of the beef industry and now there is the contribution of fracking in the natural gas industry. People are going to disagree on this topic, but what they better get together on is how to mitigate some of the problems that are starting to occur.

    terryfossil 1

    A man convinced against his will is unconvinced still,,Sorry Bigben,it is still a debatable question,not enough unbias truth mate..>>><<<<

    There are going to be people that disagree with this even though most of the evidence opposes their opinion. That's the way it's always been. I think part of the problem is that so many powerful and respected people disagree, but may have ulterior motives, such and the oil and coal energy producers. They have financial interest and spend enormous funds to sway political powers. Whatever your opinion it seems absurd and almost immoral not to appreciate the problems with pollution and work toward ameliorating them. Making energy production more efficient and safer seems like common sense to me. Also, the scientific evidence is being produced worldwide and it's fast approaching the point where it will be undeniable.
    terryfossil 1

    The con of the century Bigben,,Scumbags like Al Gore just got richer from so called climate change,,IN Aussie,the labor party found a way to tax everybody in the name of climate change,,and would not have affected the climate one bit,,but somebody was gonna get a hell of a lot of money,,Come on Bigben,it is the scam of the century..>>>><<<<<always nice talking Bigben.......................................

    bigben-terryfossil 1

    Believe me, I wouldn't trust any government any farther than I could throw it. And I also understand that there is room for debate on this issue. It just seems to me that there is enough observable evidence of problems with the air that it should be obvious that something should be done, no matter what your position.

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