    Why do people take revenge? and do you feel the need to do so as well when you are wronged?

    +3  Views: 2492 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    In my mind, I play the revenge scenario in various forms, and know, as much as I might like to actually see one of those play out, I don't really want to manipulate a vengeful situation. I do believe we all get what's coming to us for our thoughts and actions...scary.


    Basically for two reasons.

    1- It gives the perpetrator a taste of their own medicine and may make them think twice about doing it again.

    2- It makes the victim feel good. And there's nothing wrong with that in my "Book".


    You can walk away and "turn the other cheek" (if you're a practising Roman Catholic) or you can respond with "an eye for an eye" (if you're a follower of the Jewish faith)


    All my family were Roman Catholic,and fought in both world wars,my,dad had his hand blown off for the likes of some that never ever saw the front line,

    Digger, Jesus was Jewish, and he came to straighten out the old Testament ( an eye for an eye ; and a tooth for a tooth ) That mode was outdated about 2000 years ago.The New Testament is called the New Covenant .And Protestants too, as well as Catholics practice turn the other cheek.The Christians who don't practice that aren't real Christians.

    revenge is a squaring up on somebody who has done you wrong,,it is not good,but sometimes it is the only avenue open to a person,,i was sacked from my job of 17 years a year ago,and i believe it was unjust and uncalled for,i got no happiness from unions,i relize i can not go and bash the mongrels concerned,but if i was to see them walking on my side of the road,dont know,,but i still dream about doing a lot of bad things to them,,,my absoulte hate for them may or may not go away,but i doubt it,,but i do hope the dreams do go away,,,i grew up with hate,,then it went away,,but these sons and daughters of @#":^#** have certainly brought it back with a vengence.....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


    Terry I too was let go from a job I had 19 years! I still feel hate toward them but I did get another job that turned out to be better for me! Now I am retired and when I drive by the old employment site-- I am happy to see few cars of employees there! What goes around--Comes around!!

    That happened to me too, and I would have liked to have bashed,( or worse ) a few people, if I had not adhered to Christian training. " Judge not and be not judged "
    " Judgement is mine,Saith the Lord "
    Clu, I'm happy for you. :-)

    I hope you get past the anger, TF, because that eats me up so much...the moments when the anger ebbs is like coming up for air after being underwater for almost too long.
    terryfossil 1

    @ Clu They let me go at the age of 62,,no one wants you at that age,not even the mob that had me,,,

    Terry I was 59 so believe me I know!!
    terryfossil 1

    @ clu..sorry mate i guess you do..>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    So I hope things work out for you! In the end it could be the price will be paid by the NASTY folks! I sure hope so and I trully wish you well! And your family also! The end of a job is devastating Good Luck!


    I am the queen when it comes to mental revenge… And I believe in the following BUT, hopefully one has cooled off before the opportunity arrises….



    All forms of attack are meant to kill. Usually as a result of perceived threat or misplaced source of injury, threat or loss. Fear, as a response  to attack is an emotional and a physical expression meant to fend-off and reduce the attack by presenting injury, overly expressing weakness and terror while sometimes fanning defeat for advantage.

    When an attack is met with simple fending, the message the attacker gets is that they are the weaker opponent and are being treated as a child.

    Being defeated (and not killed) gives the one who was defeated the opportunity to reconnoiter their dystopian state and response.


    Do you seek revenge? That business with the US sounds like it still eats at you and you feel rather helpless in getting this straightened out right for you. No surprise about the lawyers staying away from something like this. I couldn't get a local lawyer to represent me in a certain judge's courtroom because she was afraid he would hold it against her in subsequent appearances. THIS on a municipal level. Land of the free. yeah, right.

    I look to higher levels of events and personal loss and hardship. Our made-up cultural laws and rules are made for the privileged and never extend compensation and fairness to the lower levels of culture. This difference denies equality among human kind. When this is viewed from the celestial viewpoint we all stand as equals and are actually judged in complete fairness, openness and honesty. I live my life with this in mind, simply as an equal child of God as we all are. Facts are the story. Purpose and reason are about personalities. By looking for the "why", reason and motive exposed and everything is obvious even the hidden and deceptive. This leads to a clear certainty about intent before the event. That is predictable, yet subject to change by unconsidered factors...calling for a wider field of vision.

    in answer to your question revenge is the same as attack. Peace does not come from attack.

    My relationship with the US Gov is a standoff that is not understood and misunderstood. Without dialogue there is no meaningful progress. Policy is an inhuman set of principals that are guidelines for order removing the humanness of such a process.

    I can't agree with your assessment that all our culture is geared toward the privileged. The "underprivileged" have many opportunities the "middle class" will never experience. THEY are the ones (middle class) to whom consideration is my opinion.

    Many take revenge in order to "get even", myself included. I cannot stand by and let people, corporations and governments hurt me and do me out of money. I'll sue just about anyone or entity in this regard. It's juicier and cheaper doing it myself and more gratifying than using a lawyer or lawyers.


    I know people who have sued and won their case, but they never get any money out of the person they sued. That happened to my step-daughter and my BFF .
    Like my mom used to say , " You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.You can send a boy to college, but you cannot make him think "

    The government owes me a billion dollars for a national secret that was stolen from me. No one will represent me.

    I asked a dangerous predator what he would do if someone stole credit for his accomplishments, what he would do.He thought about that for a few moments and answered "I would kill them", he said. Jesus said" do to others as you would have them do to you." I seriously considered this when he stole credit for my accomplishments. Dangerous is dead and he will never return here again, so get over it.

    Robert, Everybody says, you can't sue the government

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