My 54 year old cousin died on Thursday from head injuries suffered in a skateboard accident. He was a very strong, agile, experienced surfer, skateboarder, and generally fit man. He wasn't wearing a helmet.
About 5 years ago, a friend and his girlfriend were killed when their motorcycle was struck at a stop light by a drunk driver. They were wearing "half" helmets and died of their head injuries (both were organ donors).
What kind of helmet laws, if any, do you think are appropriate? Should people be cited for non-compliance? (as though the police were going to be on top of something like many people speed past you EVERY day chatting away on their cell phones).
12 Answers
Here in South Australia it is compulsary to wear an approved helmet whilst cycling either on the road or recreational bike trails, an on the spot fine of $79 applies, just last week- end a cycling protest was made to not to wear helmets, the medical association were appalled at this, they believe helmets save cyclists and skate boarders from serious brain damage, a women in the rally said the current laws for helmets were sexist as it causes a bad hair day --- better a bad hair day than a vegetable, my self i would not ride any where with out my helmet, it is only common sense.
10 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
I'm still around, a wee "sensible" Scottish guy.
We have different laws in different provinces. In a couple of provinces there is no law at all, some have mandatory laws for bicycle riders of all ages, some only for minors, some have laws for skateboarders, some don't, etc. etc. There is definitely a push by the Brain Injury Association and various medical personnel to make helmet use mandatory, across the board, for all such sports. I wonder though, how practical it is to (once again) make laws to "protect people from themselves". Does it ever work? After decades, people still don't use their seatbelts!
10 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
Hear in the UK you have to wear a helmet on a motorcycle, but nothing else. Some not all people here ride bicycles , quad bikes, skate boards ,horses , without helmets. I think it should be law that you must wear a helmet, I always wear one when I'm out on my bike, it's the sensible thing to do.
10 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
A full face motorcycle helmet definately saved my life on at least one occasion.I am all for compulsary helmets on motorcycles.Helmets for kids on bikes is certainly the responsibility of the parents.There is no way one of my girls will ride their bike without one.As for skateboarders....who is going to enforce a law on them.They seem to be a law unto themselves.
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
I'm glad you teach the kids to ride safe.
Motorcycle & bicycle helmets are required by law in all states here.
Hey Bob,where the motor department is concerned,Let them make a law to wear helmets,push bikes, skate boards and horses, let the responsibility be on the user,,when we were younger we did not have skateboards, however common sense says you should wear a helmet..I just don't like the authority telling me how i should protect myself,,wheather i need it or not,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
The risk taker is defiant of the effects of their errors on their own person. They choose to ignore the warnings they hear from within and from the voices of others in their own life. Their choice is to be closer to pain, grief and potential personal disaster for themselves and others. They may be afraid or cautious but they have a sense of accomplishment and success in escaping injury or death by their own careful planning or skill. Tempting certain death is an attack upon the the uncertainty of life and fear of death. One step over the line, measure out a lethal dose and take a little off the top. And then there are those who are truly fearless and they walk the line between mortality and dead in peace and comfort...sure in the knowledge that there is nothing to me. It is senseless for me to risk pain or injury. The thrill is gone and I am happy to be alive and well.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Healthy brain.....
Need I say more???
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I am an old timer on this-- I don't believe in helmets, I believe in common sense, drive for the other guy. Helmets create a utopia od safety that doesn't exist, they cut you paraphal (sp) vision, they hinder your hearing and the extra weight on your neck can snap in ss than violent accident.
You will ALWAYS hear when a person dies when not wearing a helmet, but no word is said when a person dies because of wearing a helmet. Helmets can kill!
But! The best prevention of death by motorcycle is common sense, be aware, do not take chances, you will always lose, and just because the spedo says 180 MPH does not mean you go 180 MPH.
I have driven motorcycles most of my life from little mopeds to large Harley Davidsons, I have owned many and i am still here to tell you about it, the reason I am still here is because I am scared to death of motorcycles! I respect them and I live.
Of course you will always find someone that was playing by the rules but died anyway, this unfortunately is true with cars too! So.. just be aware!
I would say if you must make helmets mandatory, then make them mandatory for riders with less than five years experience. Seasoned drivers that have respect and know the tricks of safe motorcycling should be left alone to enjoy the wind and bugs in their hair.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

My ex husband was in first place until he crashed into the side of a Virginia mountain on the final leg of the race.
Several years ago on our way to Santa Cruz, we had to drive through the mountains, this 'road of twisties' where you can see your own tailights is a proving ground for idiots on motorcycles in full gear, we saw one go around us at hight rate of speed, laying it over like on a race track, three major curves ahead we saw him again, his motorcycle was into a tree, he was molded into the bike, and of course dead, but wearing his helmet.
What this comes down to is immaturity and inexperienced riders on the road, regardless if wearing a helmet or not, idiocy on the road will kill you! And I guess that's the lure. When I ride, I must now wear a helmet too, against my will as I feel it limits my senses and makes an accident more probable because I can't see from side to side, and if I 'think' I saw something, causing me to 'jerk' my head left or right, the extra weight on my neck wearing a 'Snell' or AMA approved helmet will cause me to pull a muscle in my neck, and possible in accident break my neck. 'Tunnel Vision'.. Also, hearing is impaired.
Here--- I just googled this, you might find it interesting to see the other side of the issue that never makes it to main stream media. as with all money making political schemes. BTW, several years ago I was fined $450.00 for not having my chin strap buckled. that's same as no helmet. and also draws big money in fines. Check this out....