12 Answers
. I had a big 4ft by 4ft red barn hanging on my wall as the focal point in my living room. Cow print curtains, dishes, and all sorts of knick knacks with cow prints, barn animals and barns. I loved decorating my Christmas tree each year because I had the most adorable Christmas ornaments.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |

I collect ring tabs off of aluminum cans. I have bottle and bottles of them. Don’t ask me why, it’s just an obsession with me……….
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) says this of the dialysis rumor that has been dogging them for quite a while:
A false rumor that has plagued the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) and the aluminum industry for decades has recently resurfaced, perhaps fueled by the Internet. Individuals and groups believe they can donate the pull tabs on aluminum cans in exchange for time on a kidney dialysis machine.
Such a program has never existed through the NKF, nor have there ever been programs through the foundation allowing people to exchange any type of item (box tops, product points, etc.) for time on dialysis.
Read more at http://www.snopes.com/business/redeem/pulltabs.asp#BGU0EEHJlyATdIcf.99
My hobby is Sasquatch research .... whoo-oop!
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Though I have lots of interests, I don't have any unusual hobbies and my "collecting" is absolutely non-existent. I get sick of looking at stuff, so I am a "thrower-outer". :)
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

Collection of "frogs"....have purchased them on trips, and my mom always brought me one from wherever she went. There are all kinds, from a "frog prince" to one sitting in a rocking chair reading the NY Times, to one sitting at a grand piano, to a pair with sombreros standing at a bar with beers on the counters in front of them. Very fun to share their stories with my granddaughters.
Hobby? Has to be bowling. I try to do craft things but am all thumbs. :(
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Now, don't laugh. i collect collectable Teddy Bears, have around 100 of them including the Teddy i was given when i turned one, which makes it 64 years old,made in England as most things were at that time in OZ, i don't know why i just like Teddy Bears. :)
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I collect "junk". Not trash but anything that looks like it could be re-used in art, for repairs, interesting similar shaper, materials like aluminum, brass, copper, stainless steel, magnets, any and all tools, appliance components, string to rope sorted by size,use,color etc. Electronic parts sorted into buckets, machinery, plastics of all kinds sorted into chemical groups, size thickness, color, application etc. screws, nails, nuts, bolts ,washers and tools of every kind imaginable. I have over thirty projects that are in progress and I cycle through all of them at least once a week. Last month I completed 10 projects that had been hanging out for some time usually less than 3 months to completion. I didn't mention glass, ceramics, chemistry lab gear and chemicals and adhesives. There is much more as well all in organization, dusting, cleaning, packaging, cataloging and applying to project bins or storage.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
When I traveled with the bands I collected name tags from waitresses. I had a ton of em. Ex wife made me throw em away though. I think she had it in her mind that I had S.relations with all of them.
But my ongoing collection is rocks, I have 'small' rocks from all over the world, only a few have I actually collected myself, people bring them to me from their travels. I have em all labeled- I have a piece of the Mayan temple too. About as big as a fingernail. Useless rock collection.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Most women would probably have come to the same conclusion about the name tags...

'Hi (name here) You service was wonderful tonight, I wounder if you would be willing to help me in my hobby of collecting name tags?? I have name tags from all over, but would you believe, of all my name tags, I don't have a (name here).'
Sometimes it took a bit of persuasion, maybe a few visits, but once the one standing off sees that I am collecting from everyone else in the place, she would usually surrender as well. Now this part you will have trouble believing, I also had two police name tags. Two different cities, it got to a point that I didn't care who it was, even grocery clerks, anyone with a name tag was a target. LOL!! It was fun, nobody ever took offense to it. The guys (girl) in my band was kinda embarrassed at first but after awhile a few months of it, they even would help me out. :) But that was then, I am 30 years older now and not as much fun anymore as i usta be. But, great memories.