    Moms: If you have a single son, you might want to consider these rules:


    +5  Views: 1559 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: dating

    7 Answers

    Perfect rules for a son’s love interest. I wish I had my son in his now adulthood. These would surely be my intended rules………..

    Scary Mommy knows best...

    If I had a single daughter, I would tell her to read number 6 and run!!! With or without a ring, he'll always be a mama's boy and his wife and family will never come first.     :(


    There's an old saying, "A son is a son 'til he takes a wife; a daughter is a daughter for life."

    Uh huh, a son is a son until he takes a wife...unless he's a mama's boy. :)

    Clonge, my mom used to say that. My brother's wife is a pain.

    Jeez! I could apply that to a couple of people I know.LOL

    Best advice I ever received which was ten minutes after my son was born. Don't love him too much, because he will grow up and leave you for a younger woman. And he did! 

     Nice set of rule; #10 should be a big eye-opener.  Moms are undauntable:


    Some moms even stick their hand in the diaper to see if it's poopy.

    That is ridiculous of them; get their hands soiled and holding their child?

    Daughters are daughters for life, sons only till they take a wife!  Very true indeed, we have one of each...  She is always there for my wife and I.  Our son would be, if we called him for anything, and he would do his best to fit us in, but daughters do find a way to make things happen.   

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