    racism ?????????

    why is it if i have an opinion on who i would like to have living or immigrating to my country,,,,,I am then called racist..My country is my home,do i not have the right to say who i let into my home, to mix with my family..........................................always nice talking guys and gals........

    +4  Views: 1352 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    Odd isn't it? You may be able to express that you don't care for a particular person for whatever reason and probably have others agree with long as they are white. If you express the same thought about a "foreigner", heaven forbid, you are a racist!


    You Canadians are all the same eh?
    Bit of Brit in there somewhere?

    Just a bit maybe. :)

    Good work on that other thread, Ducky. Very classy.

    I think you should be able to have a thought and voice it without somebody calling you a racist.   You should be able to voice your opinion without fear of retribution, confrontation, or ridicule.  If what you say is what you want to hear your kids and grandkids say, go for it. 

    You should be able to say you would prefer to NOT live next door to people from "Polkadotville",  but be careful how you word your feelings.  "I'm not very comfortable with people from Polkadotville.  Their history and culture are so different than my own; I'm not sure if I would be able to be a good neighbor for them."  

    On second thought, be up front.  "I don't care for anyone I've ever met who is from Polkadotville.  I really don't want someone from there moving in next door." 


    I can’t help who my neighbors are, all I can do is try to get along. Be friendly, open, a student (to their ways, and introduce my own). Melting pot here in the USA, this is how it was founded……..


    Now, the new immigrants say they don't want it to be a melting pot. They want to have everything in Arabic, and have Sharia law here and wear their native atire.Now, somebody is going to say I'm a racist for stating a fact.They don't want to speak English .That's why everything that's packaged is/ or in business letters is spelled out in English and Spanish both. In a city boardering on Detroit, everything is in Arabic and English both.I thought this was an English speaking nation.

    Actually, more Spanish is spoken in the USA than English. What a fact!

    That's why so many of us in the UK VOTED  UKIP.

    terryfossil 1

    what is UKIP Sunny

    UK independence party.
    Sorry Dave, not exactly my favourite party.

    Sunny, I spent a few hours last night listening to the results and cheering when UKIP won.

    UKIP is the UK version of the US's Tea Party. I'd love to see the Tea Party do just as well here just to shake up the Democrat and Republican parties and get them both back on track of what they are suppose to be doing for the people, and off the track of what they can do for themselves. I hope UKIP can stick to everything I read on their manifesto.

    Absolutely Colleen, that's exactly how most people here feel.

    Terry, UKIP is the United Kingdom Independents Party,a bit more right than the other parties. And yes the two main things they want to do something about is immigration and to stop us from being controlled by Europe. They made a lot of gains in our council elections and came first in the UK for the European election on Thursday. They have a lot of support from people from all walks of life, people that just want to see the UK get our independence back.

    Roy I know our political opinions are from the opposite ends of politics, but I'm sure we agree they all needed a good kick up the jacksey.

    Very true Dave,at least they know the general populace can speak for themselves.

    Welcome back, Colleen

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