I am thankful for meeting the lot of you.
I am thankful for the different ways of thinking.
I am extremely thankful for the time you have spent being yourself. Honestly, what a joy.
One day of appreciation and respect for each other is a good thing.
Let us be complimentary to one another .. a positive note for once and at the end.
I am thankful for Ducky for the next three reasons .... Obvious yellow beauty, complete hilarity and the fact that she can float. I wish I could float.


I will start
Colleen, your devotion to this sight can not be surpassed by anyone.
Benthere; Your faith has truly inspired me as much as your true love for your wife has. Beautiful.
Tommy, you are simply grand. The love for your family and devotion is absolutely beyond amazing.
That is my first three in random order. I intend on including everyone else. ........ Let's give it a go.


Of course I love Dennis over the moon.... that goes without saying. :)
Your hilarity has no boundaries. Your love of the laugh is a dream. You Dennis are extremely special in a very good way.

You are just saying that,but i will play the game and try to hold my feelings,

I added to my answer because I adore you. ... You are wonderful. :)

Are i knew you like me a bit in a funny kind of way,Gee thanks,Miss Fishey,

I like you because you are you Dennis.

Hector I have a notice letting me know you commented to my answer above, but nothing is there. Is it another glitch or have I missed something?

I only wanted to leave on a good note and put the negative energy behind. Anyway, thanks for moving my answer. I was hoping to ask for someone to do it but I ran out of time.
9 Answers
I had three things in my mind but clu ruined them for me…So sure, I’m grateful for the men and woman that have served for my country, my father included (God bless him). THEN I’m grateful for the internet because it brought me you guys and the rest of the world, second for James tho I reserve the right to poke him with a stick, and I’m grateful for what little family I have left…..
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
My children! My partner! My health! All of these enable me to enjoy ALL of you! Blessings to everyone. And lets give thanks for all veterans and members of the service on this holiday weekend in the USA! This is Memorial Day weekend for us.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I'm interpreting your question to mean what we are thankful for at akaQA, so:
I am thankful for the people who are and consider me a friend.
I am thankful for the opportunity to be helpful and opinionated.
I am thankful for Ducky and hector5559, who always take time to share a comment or two.
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
To know you is to adore you.
I don't much like anyone. I'm a hater. :) And I hate haters! I don't even like myself! :)
Just joking--- I think (?)
I like all ya'll!! :)
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |