3 Answers
I have rules. I will loan $5.00 US with an agreement to repay within 30 days. If more money is needed before the debt is repaid then no additional money is loaned. 30 days after the $5.00 is loaned and repaid $10.00 may be loaned with the same requirement to return the $10.00 within 30 days. Failure to repay, as stated, results in No loans available. Folk who cannot borrow $5.00 and repay it in 30 days are not aware enough to handle money responsible...not their own money and certainly not any of my money. Loaning money is reasonable with collateral. I know a Pawn shop that does that. I do not. Banks will loan based on the value of a car, house, boat or property. They have lots of nice paperwork to make their practice neat and respectable. Mortgages are legal and simple enough. Banks and Credit Unions are honest and honorable generally, in their dealings.
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |