    What would you do or feel like if your bestfriend is dating your ex

    +3  Views: 1785 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    If he's your ex that means he's open game for anyone else including your best friend, you need to move on with your life.

    "EX" is the key word here. He/she is no longer yours.Move on.

    I would not care, EX, means that they would be out of my life.  If I still was in contact with them socially, it would be somewhat strange, but live and let live... 

    I don't like people I don't KNOW dating people with whom I had a relationship! 
    My aunt's best friend died about 2 years ago. My aunt has begun dating her dead friend's fiance. Aside from the fact they are both in their 80s and are vibrant, active people and have fun together, it still doesn't seem right to me.  
    If YOU broke up with HIM, it's not as bad as if HE broke up with YOU, in which case I wouldn't call her my best friend anymore.  But that's just me.


    Maybe you'll feel differently when you're in your 80's and your options are diminishing? LOL!!

    I hope not. Don't want to be that hypocritical. But ya never know...

    My girl friend and I got married she married my mining partner, we divorced ,then my mining partner and my girl broke up but they didn't get a divorce and she moved back with me. I really don't care, she's here for now and continues to pay life insurance payments on 4 or five guys including me while planning to eventually collect on the insurance and reside with her wealthy girlfriends in Hawaii.  


    Wow...she's a planner! :)

    O-yes, and I think women have figured out how to buy the world and make men subservient to their every whim. The take-over is on and men are going to have to step down from the thrown. We men have been bad much too long.

    I guess I've missed something...maybe while I was busy in the work force. Sure didn't see it there! :)

    Yup...women have living longer than men as a fact of life. Collecting insurance and all else goes to women when men die. My OL has a more than tidy nest-eggs and how much of all the long livers cash are passed along to women? That would be 100% here.

    I know that women live longer. It's your comment "make men subservient to their every whim" that I don't get. Subservient men are few and far between in my view. Besides, money can be left to whomever is designated to get it, can it not? Male, female or your local artifact society. I'm missing something here, Robert. :)

    Let's give the Ducky an earned and sincere THANK YOU, DUCKY!

    if i did not have emotional entanglements with my ex, i probably would not care. i believe we should let go and let god when somebody is really truly an ex. let them live their life and try to be happy. we should do the same and maybe date their ex, just kidding, but it's ok. there is so much versatility, as well as different lifestyles in this day and age. instead of judging, we might try one out.

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