
    When is a lie a lie.are there exceptions to lie,is it okay to lie so as not to hurt somebody,,is it okay to lie,if it does not hurt anybody????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    +9  Views: 1649 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    One confusing concept Terry.  Thruth is about perception ... On more days than not.

    lies can be truth depending on mind set.


    Book... Mistakes were made ( but not by me). written by Carol Davis and Elliot Aronson.  Available through Amazon.


    What about the song,Its a sin to tell a lie,Hmm,answer me that then,

    Well now I'm all confused and I'm not lying...honest...I'm not!

    Yea i belive you thousands woudent,
    terryfossil 1

    a white lie is a lie.A black lie is a lie,The only common word used 4 times is lie for the 5 time

    I understand Terry. I grew up with the mantra, "a liar is as bad as a thief." . The problem you may be experiencing is either the person who is lying can justify the lie or believes his/ her own falsehood.

    One will very rarely meet a compulsive liar... I have met all three ... There also is the master of what can be termed as "B.S."... Also a liar.

    I’ll break down and lie (though I hate to) to my roommate just to shut  him up - it’s a matter of survival……….



    ....LOL !

    The plain simple truth is we all live with lies every day of our lives.Politicians lie.All of 'em.I don't care what your politics or beliefs are they all lie!

    The church lies.The cover up of sexual abuse proves it.

    Then there are the so called "Harmless lies".The little "modified truths" that get us all out of sticky situations.

    Show me a man (Or a Woman) who says "I have never told a lie" & I wil call him (Her) a liar.

    Some lies aren't really lies at all.They are just untrue statements repeated by people who happen to believe they're content.

    terryfossil 1

    A fair enough answer Tommyh, well put,,,,,,,,,,

    Good points Tommy...makes a person think.

    Well stated, and true!

    Emily Dickinson:  "" c. 1846, age 16 

    "Tell all the Truth but tell it slant - 
    Success in Circuit lies
    Too bright for our infirm Delight
    The Truth's superb surprise

    As Lightning to the Children eased
    With explanation kind
    The Truth must dazzle gradually
    Or every man be blind -"

    This is great advice!  Use some discretion in telling the truth. One needn't blurt out things without compassion. Like explaining lightning to a child, to help him not be afraid and not to look directly at it (like the sun), often to the truth we must be gradually exposed.


    A stick is a stick only if you can pass it over to me so I can know it is a stick and then we may or may not agree on what to call it. So stop telling me you know this or know that because it ain't in your hand. I know you're lying cause your lips are moving. What do you expect me to do about that?

    In other words...lies reveal only intention without substance. The motive of a lie weakens a fact by its sought after calculated response. Lies twist facts and their meaning to turn benifactors into thieves and paupers into bloody dictators. Renounce a lier and they would sacrifice their mother to make you a scape goat for their crimes.

    The benifit of liars is the earth of their own graves. Liars rehearse their treachery and ways to exploit reactions and meanings. By predictable response they lead a viewpoint in their following toward a cliff to have others fell their victims for them. By so ably leading their following they are uplifted and praised for showcasing their old friend to be a villian and themselves a savior of the day.    

    terryfossil 1

    I reckon you know what you are talking about Robert,,but i wish you would explain it to me in a way i could understand,,I know i am not the smartest kid on the block,but i am not the dumbest either,,,,,,,always nice talking Robert

    A simple truth reported as an (unkind, untoward, loathsome, vindictive, disgusting, embarrassing, praise worthy, happy, sad...etc ) presentation, biasing a presented fact to emphasize some Interest drawing expression or the lack thereof conveying facts makes the presentation of news and commentary a subjects of common interest. With only dry, lifeless, dead-pan facts, no one would have the slightest interest in the news. Presentation of facts can be so expressed that the viewing audience can be and often is swept along issue by issue by making news events relevant and useful to everyone.
    Truth and lies are usually considered opposites but how a fact is presented does dramatically alter the viewing audience understanding of the events. So lies are simply embellishments designed for effect. Truth has no need for embellishments whatsoever, it simply is what it is. Science is about facts that are rediscover-able by anyone willing to look to the basic information reverent to the presented fact. The basis of a scientific fact can be twisted and distorted in their presentation to achieve a completely wrong answer. An example of this can be the news that 2 milligrams of aspirin is detectable as having a beneficial effect...
    resulting in booming sales of 2 milligram aspirin tablets. I personally take 650 milligrams of aspirin daily rather than 2mgs. Facts, understanding of facts and the presentation of facts make the difference.
    terryfossil 1

    Robert, you take anymore asprin, and you will have blood running out from underneath your toenails,you can give blood from toenail to bottle,save on needles........................

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