    Chiropractic treatments, anyone?

    Last October, I began chiropractic treatments with my nephew, who will  be graduating from Life Chiropractic in Hayward very soon.  After the first treatment, I was walking and sitting taller and straighter, the constant pain and spasms were gone. 
    Since I'm at odds with him and his mother, there have been no treatments for about 4 months and I noticed myself "leaning", so took advantage of a special to visit a local chiropractor.  After my first treatment, I am once again walking tall and getting better rotation of my neck.  These are BIG DEALS for me.  
    I was afraid of chiropractic, but have been very happy with the results.  Do any of you use chiropractic in your health care routine? 

    +9  Views: 1971 Answers: 12 Posted: 10 years ago

    12 Answers

    I've been visiting a Chiro weekly for over a year now and will likely continue for good. I'm in and out of his office in minutes. That's all the time my adjustment takes.

    The chronic back pain is gone, no thanks to the various medical establishment "specialists" whose sole solution was prescribing pain killers and physiotherapy.  

    Long live chiropractic !



    I know I've mentioned this in another question on aka before about my ex mother-in-law dying from lung cancer, but I'll tell this story again.

      My ex mother-in-law  had a home in Texas and Carolina. She spent half a year in Texas and the other half in Carolina so she had two GP's.  She had a strange cough and both the Texas and Carolina GP's told her there was nothing wrong with her, they gave her cough syrup and sent her home.  

      Her cough never went away so during one of her routine visits with her Texas Chiropractor she mentioned her cough to him.  He took ex-rays of her lungs and it was he who found her lung cancer.

    She died a few months after he discovered it. I know if she was fortunate enough to have seen him when her cough first began that her cancer would have been diagnosed sooner and she would of had a better chance for survival.

    I think Chiropractors get a bad rap. 


    me too, I have a condition which is managed without surgery, I get adjustments once a month or so, have for 23 yrs.

    I'm glad people answer these questions months after they are posted, because I read your answer again, and am appalled anew at the poor quality care those "medical professionals" provided for your mom, who could (and likely WOULD) have been here today.
    country bumpkin

    I wasn't very close to her, but she was an awesome grandmother to my son and her other grandchildren and I respected her for this. Every year for 10 years (until she died) after I divorced her son she sent me a Christmas card and a Mothers Day card.
    I agree with you that she would still be alive today if her primary doctors would have listened to her about her symptoms she was experiencing.

    It is a rough lesson for all of us. :(

    I've been going to Chiro's for close to 40 years. "most" of them can work wonders .



    INSTANTLY better posture. I could hardly believe it.

    Went to one once for my shoulder problem, did me more harm than good, still on the pain meds.


    Absolutely. I first went to a chiropractor in the late 50's when most people didn't even know the word. Chiropractic is a slower process than traditional medical solutions but I always prefer "more work at a slower pace" as opposed to "surgery/take a pill and live with it". You usually have to be prepared, depending on the problem, to go for several treatments...patience and perseverance.


    Did they perform adjustments on newborns back in the late 50's ? ;-)

    Uh huh.

    I Thought you were offering,need the bottem of neak massargin,


    I'll just soar over after my bowling tournament and school finals are over!

    O/K Hope you have strong hands,

    Oh, yes, my hands can be busy for hours.

    My mother went to one for her back and she ended up in the hospital in traction for two weeks…...


    That's not good to hear. My sister went to one and got pregnant. I used to joke about it as to why I wouldn't go. What on earth did that guy DO to your mom!?

    I used to go regularly over a period of about five years, for treatment for back trouble. Not sure that it made a lot of difference to me though, I stopped going about 12 years ago after suffering as s Brain Haemorrhage. I'm sure it wasn't anything to do with the cause, but I did read about a famous American film star at the time who had the same thing. She had a riding accident and followed it up with chiropractor treatment, and the piece I read stated that doctors weren't sure whether the accident or treatment caused her Haemorrhage.


    Traditional doctors do not generally promote any other form of treatment. They only approve of the methods which they themselves use (although it's often totally ineffective) and will "suggest" that the problem "could have been" that OTHER treatment that the patient had. Sad really that they ignore acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathic, etc. when they should be working co-operatively so their patients don't have to live with chronic illness, pain and pills!
    terryfossil 1

    Horses for courses Duck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Is that a good thing Terry? :)
    terryfossil 1

    Yeah Duck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I have been going for over 23 yrs. and I swear by my doc.  I go regularly about once per month.  It has helped with other therapies have not...

    I was ripped off by a couple of "Quacks" (No slight intended towards Ducky Hahaha!) a few years ago.

    I finally went to a Muscular/skeletal specialist who is also a registered GP.He showed me a couple of simple exercises to relieve the spasms in my back.So now whenever I get that twinge of pain,I do the exercises & "VIOLA!" the pain is gone.


    The right chiropractor will show you exercises also. Too bad you didn't get a good one. (Be careful with that "quack" word!) LOL!


    The first quack I saw was gunna bind my back with "DUCK" tape I think & I wasn't having any of that!

    Next time, wrap YOURSELF in DUCK tape and skip the chiropractor. It's cheaper. LOL!!!

    It's still duct tape actually.

    D.U.C.K. Remember? lol

    Bob thanks for asking this question. i have gone to about 6 chiropractors in my life, so far. they are great. some are not so great and years ago i heard of injuries that some people sustained going to a chiropractor. i got sick many years and my mother's italian friend Velia recommended her chiropractor to me. i went to him and to some of his classes. it totally revolutionized my views on how to be healthy. one thing i like is that they (chiropractors) do not believe in medications or surgery, unless life of death situation. traditional medication believes in surgery first (200 to 500 thousand people die a year due to surgery and medication problems). i am very particular what chiropractor does treatment on me, some have caused strokes, i've heard. However a good one will keep your back, spine and body healthier longer. My favorite one is in San Francisco, Dr. Rhonda Emmert. She is a kinseologist, brain expert and balances body hormones.  I have sent many people to her over the years. She is the absolute without a doubt the best in her field. Been traveling to see he for the last 20 years. I also like the Dubners (husband/wife team) in Cupertino. They do a type of touch treatment called network chiropractic treatment. Their good if you are scared of letting somebody crack your bones, which i am.  Another magnificent chiropractor is the owner of SCORE in San Jose, CA on Hamilton & Meridian Streets. He is the best at bone manipulation smooth gentle efficient, the best. He's Japanese.


    I believe that the "stroke factor" could have been thrown out there by a member of traditional medicine. You know how much most of them detest alternative treatments. As you said, they prefer surgery. They also love to write you a prescription (the quick and easy fix...for them.)

    I discussed my concern about strokes and some of the other "odd" problems that can arise during chiropractic. My doctor said an adjustment doesn't cause a stroke, but if one is in the process of having a stroke, the symptoms might be more forthcoming.

    Agreed Bob. Some seem to think that anyone in alternative medicine has NO medical training, seemingly not realizing that these various practitioners are highly educated, just like medical doctors. They simply have very different ideas about "the cure" with prescriptions and all of their negative side effects, being last on the list, if at all. Not only that, but medical doctors "make mistakes" and often, are not even questioned about it. "The doctors did their best". Really?

    Must echo what you just said, Ducky. My dad shouldn't have died from a staph infection in the hospital. Years earlier, one of his doctors had him on so many medications, Dad was a zombie. I called the doctor and started asking him why he was giving my dad meds that interacted badly with each other. After a few minutes of stuttering, he got indignant, told me he didn't have to tell me anything, and hung up on me. We got Dad on the meds that he "truly" needed. Dad was always a band-aid fix rather than a "find the source" kind of guy; too bad, really.

    Traditional doctors would not be so defensive about answering questions, if they truly believed that they were 100% right about their treatments. Surely, some must be having doubts unless they refuse to listen to anything new...ever!

    Right. This guy couldn't give any good reason for overmedicating my dad with not regard for his welfare. He left my sister in an exam room for hours once when he, and the whole office staff, took off for lunch (She'd already been waiting for well over an hour).

    I've watched that situation so many times...people walking around like zombies, believing that it's normal!
    We had a doctor here for many years who used to "forget" to discharge his patients from the hospital. Then he would ask the nurses, "Why is she still here"? Yikes!! (Great if you want a rest.)

    Hey Bob,i often  hear people say they have a bad back,but when i ask what is wrong with it they do not know,,they simply say "my bone cruncher fixes it".i have a bad back,i had a ct scan and my specialist say's i have Spinal Stenosis,which is a abnormal narrowing of the spinal canal,,i had an MRI scan done tonight,i will go see him soon and see what he makes of it,,after the CT scan ,he was talking about cutting bone away,,i am hoping he comes up with another idea after he reads the MRI scan,,My point is ,if i went to a bone cruncher first, he could possibly have done more damage than i would have wanted,,so i think it is important to go to the doctor first,then when you know what you are dealing with,then make a decision on which way to go,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,always nice talking Bob


    Absolutely, see the specialist first. My chiropractor did a complete set of xrays, but not a ct scan or MRI. The xrays show conditions that likely cause the pain I experience, which is minuscule to what many people endure.

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