    can you mix koi with gold fish?

    +1  Views: 1615 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    Will my Koi cross with Goldfish?

    It sounds a little odd, but it is important to know that koi and goldfish will cross if kept in the same pond.

    These koi-goldfish hybrids will grow to be bigger than a goldfish but smaller than a koi. Although studies have revealed that the hybrids are anatomically intact, they are sterile. Therefore, you can only get koi-goldfish hybrids by mating koi and goldfish; the hybrids themselves will not produce offspring. Also, the hybrids will not have barbels. 

    An important aspect to note about keeping koi and goldfish together is that you will likely end up with baby goldfish and baby hybrids, but no baby koi. While koi will not eat goldfish eggs, the goldfish will eat the koi eggs; neither appears to eat the hybrids. Many times pond owners will think they have a lot of baby koi, but in reality they are just baby goldfish and hybrids.
    Some people like hybrids and some don’t; it’s really a personal preference. It is important to remember, though, that the possibility does exist when keeping koi and goldfish together in the same pond.


    I Had koi,and goldfish in the same pond for quite a few years,did not know if they breed though??How is Ted after the Docs by the way,??????
    country bumpkin

    He didn't go for an exam. He had to pick some paperwork up from the doctor explaining how bad his sight has become so his benefits won't be stopped because he can't work until he has his surgery. How are William and you doing today?

    William should have gone to the vet today,but i did not feel to well,but he is on a diet,as he must lose about 4/5 kg,not sure what that is in pounds,
    country bumpkin

    Roy says that's about 11 pounds. We're sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather. Get well soon because William needs his human in tip top shape.

    He does like his ride in the car,hanging out of the window,and loves people making a fuss of him,he is just like one of the pictures that Ted put on screen,
    country bumpkin

    I remember the picture and your comment. I love those bulldogs, they are so ugly they're cute. If William has some baby bullies you can send one to us.

    Koi usually live 20-30 years, and the oldest koi was 226 years old. ( You don't have to stop with koi and goldfish, though:

    Yes I'm sure they will be ok, they are both from the carp family.

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