11 Answers
No, I would make sure they know how you feel Terry. Don't give anyone a black eye though, that would probably make them even more defensive and together.
10 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Of course I wouldn't. Here's a tough thing to consider, though.
My son spent nearly 6 years with the loser who is the mother of his three children. I couldn't understand why he was so hung up with this person; she beat on him, nearly cut off his ear with a garden hoe, used drugs, was destructive of his property (still is), is an alcoholic, ignorant, just "not a nice person" in general (which is what a classmate of hers told me five years ago). What on earth was my son doing with such a low life example of humanity? (Icing on the cake is her parents, abusive, domineering mother, alcoholic father)
It dawned on me one day, and has bothered me since, that if my son were so attracted to someone I considered a "loser", what does that make my son? I'm sure HER parents thought my son was a "loser"...
Let your sister know how you feel, POLITELY, and be ready to pick up the pieces when the relationship disintegrates.
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
You can try to help by expressing some advise, however, it is usually not taken. That's about all one can do.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Keep your hands to yourself. Using fists will lead to more problems. Your sisters affairs are her own, not yours.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Terry, you can't do anything about it except talk to her and I'm sure you have. She'll probably just keep on doing her own thing untill she reaches the breaking point. She's lucky to have a bro like you who cares about her.
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |