7 Answers
... on a horse ? Like this ...
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I was about to tell you how to fly when suddenly the words vanished from my screen and then, just as mysteriously, the screen lit-up again but my words were gone...a message from the gods no doubt...or perhaps the power cord giggled loose for a second. There you go.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Do you mean 'learn to pilot an aircraft?? if so, you must first pass a physical, then apply for a communications license. once these issues have been met, you will start your student pilot training. This means that you can only pilot an aircraft with a CFI (certified Flight Instructor) until he/she certifies that you may then fly solo. I don't know what the minimum hours for FAA final exam today but when I received my license (VFR) it was 40 hours. I tested at 53 hours.
In training, you will learn how to control the aircraft in various attitudes, doing stalls, turns, take off and landings, after this training, you will then begin Navigation, 'Pilotage-Dead reckoning and NAVaid, such as VOR-ADF-DME-and of course, GPS. You will be assigned 'cross country' vectors, (fly a trangle where each point of the triangle will be 50 to 75 miles, you will land at each point, have your logbook signed that you were actually there. during these cross country flights, you will be expected to file a flight plan with the FAA, and you will be expected to navigate using all the navigation aids including 'pilotage' which simply means look out the window for reference points. kinda like the old timers did before radio and nav aids.
If you want to fly without an airplane, then get a cape, climb to the roof of your home, jump and you will fly, mostly down and a very short flight but you can claim you flew, that is, if you survive.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Try jumping off a roof while flapping your arms really, really hard……….
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

(I just read Vinny's answer after I posted this comment.) I guess he also knows that a cape is needed. lol