    Would you let a friend or family member move in with you to help them out? Have you ever.

    +8  Views: 1402 Answers: 15 Posted: 10 years ago

    15 Answers

    I love my friends and family, but I don't house them. 


    Love ? Or "enjoy their company a fair bit"?

    Love. Thanks for asking.

    great point!

    Thanks,tabber ;-)

    There is no correlation between loving family and friends and wanting to house them. Besides, I have very few family members and they all have huge homes and my friends are very well established too.

    ... oh ya ... sure ... but they don't ask ... wonder why ... hmm.



    there is something sincerely funny about this answer and picture. thanks!

    ..and spoooky tabbytabs! ;D lol

    At least it's quiet. :)

    It's high time you mow your lawn !

    You can do that digger, when you go for your "stay". :)

    yessss ... here at 'ReMoTe MaNOr" ....
    located here somewhere ...,

    No!  I have too many folks who would take advantage.  Sorry to seem mean but that's life!!


    i know what you truly really mean. isn't it funny how those you bring too close can turn on you.

    Of course!! If its a family member or a true friend, I would do what it takes to help them out.  I have already done this.  


    That's the Italian way, Vin.

    Withe one caveat, don't ask me for money, I will feed you, clothe you, give you a place to stay, even let you borrow my car but don't ask me for money. I have been stung before on this. Matter of fact, don't ask me for a loan, just ask me to give it to you.

    Yes, I've been on both ends of this question, and am still appreciative of my sister and her husband being so generous. I reciprocated for her a couple of years ago. 
    My eldest son and his children were here off and on for a month. My middle son's baby-momma stayed here for a month. My youngest and his fiancee moved in February, 2013. She is gone - a good thing for both of them - and he is still here.  He does pay half of the bills and will help with household chores if I can beat him arm wrestling. 


    My roof is leaking ,Landlord wants his rent,and I Need a bath somewhat bad,

    I can help with the bath.

    Hmmm..Yes.I once had a guy whom I had never met turn up on my doorstep all the way from Auckland,New Zealand.He was a friend of a friend who lives over there.I thought it was a bit wierd at the time but it turned out well.He also ended up being a good friend.He stayed for about 6 weeks until he got a job & a place to live.I haven't seen him in years.

    Yes I would if they were in need of somewhere to stay. I've never needed to do that though, as yet.

    I needed a place to keep me off of the streets. I asked my sister if I could stay with her briefly” and she never answered me. I ended up moving  out of town. But Yes, I would have let her move in with me……….

    I would (and have) but a stipulated brief stay only, with a pre-established move out date. I also add that the accommodations provided by me were nowhere near large enough!


    Well...if you insist on so many rules, I won't bother asking.

    Works for me. lol

    Never an empty house here!!!...ONE after ano after ano!!LOL

    Yes and yes. Would I do it again? Probably not. 

    Yes I would but really depends who it is 

    Yes and Would you take care of the chickens while I go to another house-sitting job in Italy for a month? 

    Of course. It's the Christian thing to do.

    Years ago, my wife wanted to take in her two nieces, as their parents were going through a divorce.  The parents were too busy "satisfying their organs" to raise two teen-aged girls.  The girls were already very involved in sex, at 14 and 16.  I told my wife, "we have our own two to concentrate on, and that those girls would not live by our rules, and that I did not want assume the duty of their parents".   This does not sound too Christian, but, it made sense, and to this day, the parents still have issues due to their failure to parent correctly.  Our children turned out very responsible, and that was my main objective, and responsibility! 

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