    what are the Best and Worst characteristics in a person?

    +6  Views: 1728 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago
    Starlite 59

    I found your question hard to answer. Do you mean in general? Or my opinion?

    11 Answers

      Knowing how to love and be loved is a great characteristic. ( This doesn't mean it will always bring us  happiness, but it's 100% worth the experience.

    Not knowing how to love others or allowing others to love you is tragic.  There are to many people in this world who push people away that are worth loving and worth the love they give in return. 



    Very thoughtful answer, one near and dear to my heart.
    country bumpkin

    I'm glad to see are back. You were missing for a couple of days.

    Lots to do this final week of school. Thinking of prioritizing better, which would seriously cut down on time here. :(

    Best:  Good manners in ALL situations  Worst:  Making enemies……...

    Some people can't say "I'm sorry" or don't mean it if they can.  What that says about a person could fill a book of negative characteristics.
    Being a gracious winner AND loser is a characteristic that should be encouraged from a very young age.  Being gracious in any circumstance ALSO says a lot about a person's character in general.  

    Best...genuine sense of humor (can get you through a lot)

    Worst...being dishonest (why bother?)

    I would say kind and considerate is the best , and selfishness is the worst. 

    Love the best and being non-judgemental towards people and willing to help anyone in trouble ...bitterness..hate and negativity and snobbishness the worst!


    Two thumbs up, Millie.

    the best are the characteristics that promote his/her survival in a positive and legal way/manner.  the bad, of course, are the characteristics that one uses for survival, but those very traits have a negative impact on others in his home community city state and or his society in general, like illegal activity, psychopathic activity and of course, greed activity, like we see in america right now.

    Most people have their good side and their dark side. Their good side is their public persona.

    Their other side is their dark side. No one is completely kind. 

    Best is to be a good listener to what others have to say.  Worst, never letting others share their point of view, or to even contribute at all. 


    Worst..Peace-maker assasin (belongs in Hades) 

    He wasn't there long...a very humbling experience. Give Clinton a brake, her over site of a war dog that broke free.

    This question has a wide range, because everyone has different personalities. There are both good and bad or I would rather say positive and negative in everyone it is part of what makes us human. It is difficult to answer, it depends whom you are asking. Everyone has unique feeling.  


    In your opinion. This is a survey.
    What characteristic males you uncomfortable around someone.....what characteristic attracts you.

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