    Green Beans


      I was snapping green beans tonight for dinner when I had a flashback from my childhood when my granddad's mom would come for a visit and the women would sit outside on the porch snapping  fresh green beans to cook for dinner.

     Do you have any great "kitchen" childhood memories that you want to share?




    +10  Views: 2268 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    I saw a notification from you today (April 26, 2021) but when I clicked on it, it was 404'd. What was it?

    8 Answers

    The roast beef cooking f or Sunday lunch, and the chocolate pudding and custard for afters (as we used to call pudding in those good old days). 

    country bumpkin

    You're making me hungry for a roast.

    Have some of that Scottish Angus Beef cb, you can't beat it. I'm sure you've already tried it.
    country bumpkin

    I have tried it and I like it.:)

    Uh hmm.

    My mom always patted vinegar on her roast to tenderize them. I remember the smell of it and that it meant roast for dinner!

    country bumpkin

    There's something about the smell of a homemade roast that makes a person happy inside.


    I remember my mother doing this.

    It's called "fluting" the pie crust.

    I thought it was just the coolest.    :)


    That reminds me of an old joke.But you're a mod so I won't share it at this point of time.LOL
    country bumpkin

    Your mother probably made great pies too.

    Bad, bad Tommy! lol

    Yes CB, she did! My Dad's favorite dessert.

    The smell and taste of my Grans clootie dumpling, never to be repeated since she departed this mortal coil.


    country bumpkin

    Yum. I would enjoy this with coffee.

    OK, I give. What IS a clootie dumpling? Are they boiled?

    Getting an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas and baking up a storm. Started my love of baking that still continues today.

    country bumpkin

    My aunts were given one of these for Christmas. They loved it. I made an F in Home Economics because I used powdered milk instead of flour in a biscuit recipe. I knew then that I would never be much of a baker. :)

    It's unfortunate that you received a low grade for such a simple mistake. We all have make mistakes, but we learn from them and go on from there. Perhaps, if your teacher helped more than criticized, then your love for baking would have flourished!
    country bumpkin

    Thanks for your kind comment.

    Helloooooo CB;

    My kitchen childhood memories include my sister.  Only.  We would come home for lunch to an empty house and refrigerator ... then try to find something in the cupboard. We became masters at cooking canned mushrooms and Bird's Eye custard (If there was milk in the house). 


    The two of us grew up to become pretty amazing women in the kitchen. 


    My sister was one amazing chef in the kitchen.  Her food was home.


    country bumpkin

    Do you still eat canned mushrooms and custard? :)

    No. I wonder why. :)

    Childhood kitchen memories.My mother had a combustion stove.I was sent to the chopping block every morning to cut chips to start the wood fire.AHHH! those were the days huh?

    country bumpkin

    My guess is that you did not like doing this when you were a kid, but now you have grown to appreciate and love this memory.

    I didn't mind really.But I can't believe how we take our electric appliances for granted these days.Back then,getting breakfast meant lighting the stove.Lighting the stove meant chopping wood.Lighting the wood meant cutting the kindling chips & so on.

    What wonderful memories!  My mom cooked a meal every night and Dad didn't eat leftovers, so she had to start fresh. She wasn't a fancy or very original cook, but she put on a decent, healthy meal.

    A favorite memory is Dad skewering chunks of marinated lamb (shish kebab) and putting the skewers on the grill. It had a rotisserie function, and the skewers had spokes near the handles, which fed into the rotisserie chain and turned the meat at a steady speed.  NOBODY barbecued the shish kebab better than my dad. 


    country bumpkin

    You probably know your way around the grill too.

    Out of necessity. I actually taught my son and he grills all the time. I'm not really sure what I taught him but it's an intuitive thing.
    I'm a poor excuse for a cook.
    country bumpkin

    My mom say's her aunt was a great cook, she could make a mean bowl of Jello! :)

    ..I've had trouble with Jello...

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