    my tulip leaves came up , but no buds or flowers. Why ? Same thing for last two years. What can I do to help it ? Is it too late ? It's May 4, '14.

    +1  Views: 959 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    I can't say for sure, but chances are it's because of the terrible winter we had. If I recall correctly, you're in Michigan? I know that every year in early May, there's a tulip festival in Ottawa, CA, so if they're late in blooming in an even colder place, I wouldn't worry, except for the fact that they didn't bloom last year. There might be updates/news online about this. I'm in NY, and a lot of plants have bloomed late, or are about to. Here's a link that might help:


    Thanks for your input, Clonge. Yes, the snow was really high drifts this winter. But, the tulips didn't blossom for the last two years either. It didn't help that whoever mowed my lawn kept mowing over them- - -chopping off the leaves.But, nobody has mowed it yet, this year.

    If it's any consolation sweetie so did ours ... but we also noticed pretty little hoof prints sort of making a lovely pattern in the soil ... little baby Bambi hoof prints ... hmmmm ...



    That is sssooooo cute.
    And thanks for th other advise, Lindi, about my CD player in my car. Yes, it started working right again. YAY !! Haven't seen deer foot prints , but people say there are deer on the other side of the street, b/c the ravine over there leads down to the river.

    I suggest you buy a bulb fertilizer and use accordingly. After years of blooming they need extra food.


    ok.I didn't know you could buy bulb fertilizer. They haven't been blooming for years. They either wouldn't bloom,or somebody mowed them off before they could bloom. Last year, it looked like my mailman had walked on them. He tears opens my letters and tears out my coupons too.

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