
    i just read a post on aka from 3 years ago,and i can honestly say,if i had bumped into one of them when i first joined, i would have left,,i think the quality of AKA today far outstrips the quality of people on AKA 3 years ago,,thumbs up to the people of AKA to-day.................................................................a pleasure talking to ya,,,,,,

    +8  Views: 1485 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    Thanks. We needed that. Colleen had whipped us into shape .

    9 Answers

    Hi Terry.Yeah,you're right.Things have changed.I must admit that there are still a couple on here that I can't be bothered with but I just ignore them.Most of the regulars are great people to communicate with.I have had a lot of fun here & I have to admit that I have learned a few things along the way.I actually consider some of the regulars "True Friends" not just "Cyber Friends".

    (No names No pack dril.Hahahaha!)

    terryfossil 1

    Ditto Tommyh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Am I one Tom??? Regards.. I fully agree with you on that!

    I certainly consider you a friend Ray.How are ya mate?

    Thanks Tom, very good, we just came back from a vacation in Bermuda. It is not Aus. but it is closer... It was not as warm as we would have liked, but it is/was April still. How are things with you and yours? Regards.

    Bermuda?? We can only dream of those kinda hols now.Things are OK.We just had a cold snap here.
    30 deg C. one day & 7 the next.It's a late winter for us.(If you can call that winter LOL).

    Yeah, it was a special occasion, a trip to celebrate our 40th. Since we honeymooned there, figured we would return to scene of the crime!

    It's certainly changed. Some of the changes are better some of the changes are not. IMO

    What a wonderful, encouraging thing to read. Thank you very much and you are right, a lot HAS changed and difficult to accept or fight…………..

    terryfossil 1

    thanks JH

    Thank you from me, too, Terry.  I agree with C.B., not everything is positive, and I really disagree with mycatsmom's suggestion that any of us need to be "whipped into shape". Having one's own thoughts and opinions is essential to a site like this one.  

    country bumpkin

    I certainly can think of a couple of other words besides whipped. LOL
    terryfossil 1

    I think "whipped into shape "is just a saying,i dont think MCM meant anything negative by it Bob...........................................

    I Can not see whats wrong with a little whipping Bob,administered with prehaps a silk whip etc,

    You are a sick man, Hector. LOL.

    I just consider the source....
    country bumpkin

    He's harmless!

    Lets say they are not into Bowling then,

    Not Dennis. Whips, silk and otherwise, have their place. HERE is not one of them.
    Bowling alley would maybe have to be in the locker room?

    Amen, I refuse to be whipped into shape by anyone! Always have...

    Bob/PKB, I agree with you 100%,most of us are adults, and don't need to pussy foot around any one.


    terryfossil 1

    There's me,,There's Me,,There's Me,,,not saying which one ..i wanna remain invisible.............nice one Lindi

    rofl ... I'm the one in the middle ... gettin' a bit cramped here ... LOL

    I must have been in the back row, these all have hair on their heads!

    ROFL ... they say bald is beautiful! ;)

    Thanks Terry, very nice of you. There have been some nice people move on as well, moved to pastures new, other things to do.Oooh that rhymed, did you you notice. Always good talking to you too Terry.

    G'day Terry, the site has change dramatically in my opinion, it used to be carefree and fun, possible cause it was new, use to have great debates, political correctness put an end to that, i still log on to read what the original members have to say, i did not realise the number of postings i missed two to three years ago, OMG i have been on this site for 3 years, keep them postings going  Terry. Cheers. P.S. i may have been one of those members you referred too, 3 years ago as i was suspended for a week in the first year. :) 


    Repeat after me bulletman ,Thout shalt not be naughty,Thout shalt not be naulty,Obey Orders at all times without question,

    TU to your comment Hector

    What we went through in the beginning was amazing and defined all who remained and Colleen has been there for everyone all along the way. We have had some very rough spots that required stedfast support and courage, Colleen was there. I love you Colleen.

    ...and as to the after notes, thanks to the dingle-berry pie toppings it should be obvious what the writers who mobbed the scene back then have not been transformed into latter-day wogs, as we had all hoped, but rather fumboling-fumeing mis-creates out for toilet-bobbing amusements. Troglodytes. 


    Crawler!!! :)

    Robo forever,

    Rubber boots. Hip-length
    country bumpkin

    ...and a shovel

    All being said, I was asked to be a moderator early on, I would not, did not take the job.  Hats off to those who have however.  It is always not easy to be popular when you must act as a heavy.  Some do it, some do not.  This guy does not...


    As Winston Churchhill once said Heavy is the head on which the crown lies,

    The importance of being OBJECTIVE can not be overstated in a position of authority in a situation as moderator of akaQA.

    All that Objectity,can be curb,by a darn good whipping,o,m,g, I can not wait

    I give up, Hector! You are craaaaazzzzeeee

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