    do people use all their money on things that the want

    0  Views: 1346 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    Some do while others know how to save because they know what the important necessities are. 

    Its generally spent of stuff they Need. ;-)

    some do, some hoard and some use for the betterment of others.  Necesasities aside, hoarding can only be seen on paper or computer screen and is of no use to anyone.  It is in doing something for others and improving their live that inner peace and satisfaction is gained.  

    NO. People do not use ALL their money on things they WANT.  They use their money to pay bills for things like property taxes, income taxes, state and local taxes....I guarantee you the number of people who claim they spend their money on taxes because they WANT to is so small, you may be able to count them on one hand and have 3-4 fingers left over. 


    I personally, consider money to be a cheat. Money allows a person to buy what they could do for themselves. It is easy to buy a bottle of wine. It is skill and time to produce it yourself. The same can be said of just about everything from buttons to door bells, plates, tableware, most of our own food, clothes and all of the things in life that really matter. By working at a job for money, we use our time in some other persons service for the money to buy what we can do for ourselves and our families if not for the job. So the job must pay well, and the cost of all those things that fill your life with the comforts and abundance in their purchase must be enough to fill your need. So maybe you lack the skills to produce everything you ever you are a slave to your own desires and willingly sacrifice your time and life busily working in someone's factory. Thus your life goes by and the skills you developed are no longer needed. So you retire as a an expert live out your remaining years thinking about what you really wanted to do with your life and justifying all you did not do with your hoard of useless trinkets that are all wearing out.

    There is one thing we can take from here and actually own it forever. That is our experience. Money may provide a nice ride but that turns to rust. Experience in gaining skills and talents you can take with you when your body stops working.      

    Yes. After basic needs are met.

    junk food i hope you are not eating too much of it.  people spent a lot on what they have too, like rent, food, gas, taxes, BUT we humans have a way of spending on what we want too. americans save, but not as much as people in china and others places.  americans celebrate everything, baseball games, birthdays, holidays, babies being born,  coming of age, etc. and therefore spent a lot on partying with their fellow man. and somewhere in there they spend money on what they want, if they have any extra, and then half the populous saves.  half can't afford to save. it's technically called, 'living paycheck to paycheck.'

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