12 Answers
I usually ignore them and continue doing the speed limit, if on a dual highway i have a tendancy to slow down if the other lane is free, there is no logical reason for tailgatine if one is doing the speed limit, a taxi driver once told me , he had to be wary of females driving a red car and a smoker too as nine out of ten they are aggresive and erratic drivers, i took note of this and do you know he was right, the differance now they have changed colour to black and drive V8's or 4 wheel drives.
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

MY OPTIONS: (1) Speed up; (2) Slow down, by lifting my foot off the gas, NOT by slamming on the brakes; and (3) preferably, getting out of the way as soon as it's safe, because THAT'S what I'd want someone to do for me. I don't tailgate....a $300 ticket cured me of that years ago. THIS logic doesn't work....
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I usually slow down a bit. I remember one time years ago when someone was on my bumper on a slick snowy road for about 5 miles. I pulled into work and he followed me into the same parking lot. I jumped out of my car and yelled at him and told him -next time just hook a tow bar on and save your gas. He had no reply and he never followed like that again. I was brave and crazy back in those days! LOL :)
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Ignore them. I'm not going over the speed limit just because they are in a hurry.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I Just gently touch the footbrake just enough to make the stop light light up,While hitting the acclerater,just enough to leave a more comfortable driving space,
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I pull over and give them all the room they want. If they are going to create an accident, I would rather be way behind them.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

Our friend's son who happens to be a policeman,was driving through our village two weeks ago after visiting his mum. The speed limit is 30mph, when an irate driver came up behind him waving his fist at him and hooting his horn. The young copper who had his uniform on as he was going on duty, just stopped in the middle of the road and got out, the crazy driver didn't know what to do or say ,all he could do was apologise and look a bit of a fool. He didn't get booked, the embarrassment was probably enough to stop him doing that again for a while.
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |