    How do you handle tailgaters? (The kind that follow you at too close distances while driving)

    +5  Views: 2583 Answers: 12 Posted: 10 years ago

    I hold up my hand as if to say "What are you doing?" If that doesn't work, I take my foot off the gas and slow down. I'll slow down to 5 m.p.h. or stop my car if I have to.

    Got to be careful with road rage these days.Any little thing can set off a disgruntled driver.

    Driving 10 mph under the speed limit is just as illegal as speeding. You can get ticketed for that so do not get caught doing it.

    Colleen: I drive on the Long Island Expressway in Nassau County, which has a posted minimum of 40 m.p.h. I don't think any other roads in the area have such signs. I think that if there are no minimums posted anywhere, then there is no legal minimum in the "slow lane". Am I right about this?

    No, you're not right, sorry. This law is not typically posted anywhere but it is in the rule book for driving on US roadways. It's one of those deals where, "ignorance of the law is no excuse". Slow drivers have been found to be just as dangerous, if not more so, than speeders. The cops do enforce the slow driver law. If you are found to be going less then 10mph below the speed limit, they will pull you over for creating a hazardous condition that forces people to tailgate you or to illegally pass you. They will not accept your excuse for causing a hazard just because you were already being tailgated. Read this:

    12 Answers

    I usually ignore them and continue doing the speed limit, if on a dual highway i have a tendancy to slow down if the other lane is free, there is no logical reason for tailgatine if one is doing the speed limit, a taxi driver once told me , he had to be wary of females driving a red car and a smoker too as nine out of ten they are aggresive and erratic drivers, i took note of this and do you know he was right, the differance now they have changed colour to black and drive V8's or 4 wheel drives.


    Geez,I fit the above description.Female, smoker, drove a red V8 and now a black 4WD.

    Pyth, there are exceptions. lol.

    I agree. I find that young, female drivers are becoming extremely aggressive. Just another example of our angry society. :(

    MY OPTIONS:  (1)  Speed up;  (2) Slow down, by lifting my foot off the gas, NOT by slamming on the brakes; and (3) preferably, getting out of the way as soon as it's safe, because THAT'S what I'd want someone to do for me.  I don't tailgate....a $300 ticket cured me of that years ago. THIS logic doesn't work....


    MsBob, what really gripes me is leaving enough space between my car and the one in front and some hoon (male or female) cuts in causing you to brake and the funnything they really don't get to their destination any quicker.

    This is an absolute fact; I've seen it repeatedly. When someone has to race ahead of me (or vice versa), I find myself ahead of, next to, or behind them at the same stop light within minutes. The faster I go, the behinder I get.

    That woman driver is a bit close Bob,is she a leaner??

    She might be, hector; she might be!

    I usually slow down a bit. I remember one time years ago when someone was on my bumper on a slick snowy road for about 5 miles. I pulled into work and he followed me into the same parking lot. I jumped out of my car and yelled at him and told him -next time just hook a tow bar on and save your gas.  He had no reply and he never followed like that again. I was brave and crazy back in those days! LOL :)


    It's a wonder you didn't get shot ! with all these road ragers goin' on around here.

    LOL! That was a VERY clever remark...I love it. I don't know where the courage comes from...maybe that adrenalin thing. I remember a woman pulling out in front of me on a busy street. One of my sons and Mom were with me. I followed that woman to the mall (about 3 miles), got out of the car and just screamed at her...had there been a car in the lane I veered into, my son and Mom could have been killed because of her carelessness (I have never yelled at anyone like I yelled at this woman). She burst into tears and apologized repeatedly. I cooled down and told her to never do that time the other driver might have no choice but to slam into her.

    I usually wait for a cop and touch the brake enough to cause the tail-gater to drive erratically in front of a cop.....Tail-gater cure administered. 


    the cops are never around when you need them

    Maybe it’s dangerous but I’ll tap the brakes just enough to make the brake light come on……..

    Ignore them. I'm not going over the speed limit just because they are in a hurry.


    I can't ignore them. If I'm going 50 m.p.h. and some $#%@ is one car length behind me, if I have to slam on the brakes, there's going to be a terrible accident.

    I know.I feel like doing that too but, I couldn't stand the grief that comes with it.

    I know, but it's better than the alternative, e.g., your gas tank exploding, you and/or your passengers getting seriously injured or killed...

    That is why I choose to ignore. A car can become a potential weapon.

    @ clonge, that's why I slow down and create more distance between the car in front of me.

    I Just gently touch the footbrake just enough to make the stop light light up,While hitting the acclerater,just enough to leave a more  comfortable driving space, 


    My son has a great way of getting back at ignorant drivers. He lets them pass, then catches up in the next lane, gets their attention, then points at their front tire, mouthing the words, "That's your tire". People think their tire is going flat and pull off the road. By the time they figure out they've been punk'd, he's five miles ahead of them.

    Thats a good one Miss Bob,

    Jules, just slow down a bit, that really gives them the s##ts, they soon get the message, tapping of the brake may end in a rear end collision -- speaking of experience.:)

    I pull over and give them all the room they want. If they are going to create an accident, I would rather be way behind them.


    Pulling over while being tailgaited can be dangerous, if the jerk moves at about the same time you do.

    Not if you use your directional to let them know you are pulling over or removing yourself from the road.

    I maintain exactly the same speed and try to avoid making eye contact with them, when they decide to pull out around me and tailgate the next car! Jerks!

    P.S. I drive the speed limit or slightly above need for anyone to hang on my bumper!

    Our friend's son who happens to be a policeman,was driving through our village two weeks ago after visiting his mum. The speed limit is 30mph, when an irate driver came up behind him waving his fist at him and hooting his horn. The young copper who had his uniform on as he was going on duty, just stopped in the middle of the road and got out, the crazy driver didn't know what to do or say ,all he could do was apologise and look a bit of a fool. He didn't get booked, the embarrassment was probably enough to stop him doing that again for a while.


    Love the scene that I am viewing in my mind. lol

    Did he say ,ello,ello,ello,wat ave we got ear then,

    Something like that Dennis, knees bend, warm night, warm night.

    Many of these drivers are on their cellphones so report them, but obviously not by calling on your cellphone while driving.

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