    Anzac Day 2014

    "They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old,

    Age shall not weary them,

    At the going down of the sun,

    And in the morning,

    We will remember them.


    +10  Views: 1439 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    Blessings to all men and women who fight for their country!


    I go along with that, and the women that worked in the factory,and the land army girls

    Yes doris I agree. There are many people behind the scenes. All should be thanked and honored!

    I'm extremely proud to be an Aussie today, 25th Arpril - 99 years ago Australia was brought together as a nation at the Galliopi Disaster, too many young men sacrificed their lives there, their courage and mateship lives on to the present day.



    Yes I agree, I have a great deal of respect for everyone who has given their time and lives for the sake of their country, and for the sake of others. God bless them all, and today especially God Bless Australia.

    terryfossil 1

    A royalist Sunny,I am dinky di Aussie,A royalist who believes our history still lies in UK...a fairly argumentative subject in this country....

    Glad to here you are a royalist Terry. But I think even if the majority of Australian people decided they wanted to be a republic, there's no reason why we couldn't still have close ties, just as we do with America.Have a good day Terry.

    ""  some very heart warming and great words from Ataturk,,i just hope the words can be read      


    Respect for all men and women who give of themselves to protect and defend their country and it's people. Enjoy your day Aussies. 


    The Armenian community recognized the 99th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Turks on April 24th.   Neither day gets enough recognition. The photos are beyond gruesome. I doubt this will last long:



    I followed this story thru Phyllis & saw some very disturbing images.Sickening in fact.It saddens me deeply that human beings can treat other human beings this way.I wonder why this massacre is swept under the carpet.Keep up the good work & be proud of your heritage.

    One reason the USA does not recognize the massacre of 1.5 million people is the air space over Turkey is desirable and valuable to the USA. We can't afford to offend....
    (This is what I have been told by reliable people)
    I always say Hitler wasn't very original...

    I hope they don't edit the photo Phyl.People need to see this example of inhumanity.I can hardly bear to look at that photo of those poor girls.Shame Turkey! Shame Islam!

    My great aunt was one of the survivors, and my grandparents left a few years before the massacre began. Aunt had numbers tattooed on her inner wrist. She refused to talk about where they came from. We probably saw some of the same photos... extremely disturbing.

    The Gallipoli landings were a disaster and one of Churchill's greatest mistakes. Even if the invasion had succeded it would have achieved very little; possibly Turkey out of the war, possibly a new front against Germany. In the event many brave young men lost their lives especially those from the Antipodes for no benefit whatsoever.


    Isn’t today your birthday? Shall I announce it?

    I refuse to answer that question as I may incriminate myself.

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