    What is the oddest, strangest, weirdest....

    I keep my son's umbilical cord in a plastic baggie inside of his baby book.  What is the most peculiar keepsake item you have saved from your children or loved ones?

    +5  Views: 2138 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    When I was about ten, I dropped a large drawer full of heavy stuff  on the cuticle of my big toe. The toenail became all black, blue, and yellow underneath from the bruising, and it eventually fell off when the neighbor stepped on my bare foot when we were playing. I put the toenail in an empty prescription bottle and still have it somewhere...

    country bumpkin

    I think that's worse than saving the umbilical cord. LOL

    The smell of my Mothers perfume.............

    Still in my nose....


    Or Estee Lauder, "Youth Dew"


    country bumpkin

    Interesting ROMOS. My grandmother's favorite perfume was Estee Lauder Youth Dew and my mother's is Opium perfume.

    And...Estee Lauder Youth Dew was my very first favorite when I was in my mid 20's.
    And...My mother loved Opium when it first came out. My father bought her lots of it.

    I keep my dog Ruffy in a box he's been dead for 4 years, didn't cremate him just put him in a box. I take him out to play once in awhile but family makes me put him back in the box because he still smells bad, but I tell them all dogs smell bad.  He does cool tricks like 'Stay and Sit' He's really good at 'play dead'.   Lately though, I think he's sick losing a lot of weight,  I take him for a walk, leash keeps slipping off his neck.    


    Is your Grandmother in the attic?
    country bumpkin

    This is about as funny as the odd stares I receive when I take my fetus out of the box to play with it that I miscarried in 2005.

    Don't be silly Romos, my deceased grandma doesn't do tricks. That's just plain silly.

    OK,I hope you and "FluffY" live happily ever after!

    You folks are a little crazy, you know

    Ruffy not Fluffy!! Fluffy is a cat's name. I don't like cats. And neither does my dead dog Ruffy! Make that mistake again and I will hit the 'report abuse' button!!!!
    country bumpkin

    So you're the culprit! (*~*)

    Yeah, I report everybody! Administration can't keep up with my member complaints. I take no prisoners, one time I even reported a complaint about me. :)

    Late as usual Vinny.

    It's always best to catch the last car on the train, that way, you'll have plenty time and warning that the train is involved in a wreck, giving you time to escape certain death. Being late has its virtues.

    I stole and still have a plastic rose I took from Howard Hughes’ grave site…….



    country bumpkin

    Not one of the plastic planes Julie?

    The planes weren’t there, neither was that wall………..

    the most i save are pictures.

    country bumpkin

    I enjoy looking through old pictures.

    I guess i am a bit like Vinny, if he is serious,,i have my Mothers ashes on a shelf,,and our 2nd dogs ashes on a shelf,,but our first dog,we put him down when he was 14 years old,,he had cancer,,i buried him in the back yard,it rained that night,and all i could think was how cold and wet he would be ,and he hated the cold.So i went out in the rain and dug him up,and put him in a small box,nailed it down, wrapped it in plastic,then wrapped it in a coupla rolls of packaging tape,,And that was about 2006,and he is still in that box,we know we have to bury him,and we are going to have to do it soon,,,,,,,,always nice talking guys,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    country bumpkin

    My Dachshund is 14 and I know he'll be gone soon. He'll be buried underneath my grandfather's big tree with my cat that died a couple of years ago and some of the other family pets.
    I don't know if you're serious or joking about your dog not being buried yet, but s/he needs a final resting place.
    terryfossil 1

    i do not joke about what i have written here CB

    All our pets are buried around the walnut tree at my parents ' home. Dirt is soft and it's easy to dig deep. I kept a dead cat in the freezer for a couple of weeks when I didn't have time to bury it. My sons don't let meforget that. ..I think one of them finally took care of it.
    country bumpkin

    Bless all our sweet pets, they're our family.

    Vinny, he doesn't have fleas, he has maggots! 

    country bumpkin

    EWWW! (*~*)

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