    6th grade presentation topics?

    i have to do a presentation, about why someone should buy a certain product instead of an ordinary one, a few topics please?

    0  Views: 1018 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

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    How about which type of backpack a kid should use, some make great stress to a growing childs body, others not so much... 

    country bumpkin

    When my son was in the 4th grade I took his backpack to the post office to have it weighed because it was so heavy his back was hurting. His backpack weighed 19 1/2 lbs. That's a lot of weight to have to carry for one of the smallest kids in class.

    And some of the smallest kids, for whatever reasons, carry everything, and use no lockers! It is a disturbing problem, there will be many with lingering spinal problems, I fear.

    Shoes - high heels vs. low heels; different types of sport shoes
    Jeans - there are so many different brands and styles. 

    Socks - ankle length, calf length, knee length, color vs black or white
    Cereal - pick a couple and compare the nutrition and the flavor
    Soda - do you have a preference?  WHY? 
    FAST FOOD restaurants - you must have a favorite, price, hours, location??


    My advice would be to think of things you prefer to buy and go with something you know! 
    Make a list of pros and cons for each item.  Take a survey and see what 20 different people prefer.  Boys and Girls.  Ask THEM why they prefer one over the other.  
    It could and should be a very fun project.  Good luck!!

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