    Do you think I could I get into a boarding school?

    I'm currently in 7th grade at a very good (in the top 100 of the nation) public school. Next year, I will probably go to a private school. In high school (either freshman or sophomore year preferably) I'd really like to go to a boarding school. I'm thinking very seriously about this.

    I'm wondering if you think I could get into a boarding school. As far as grades and classes go, I am an A (with the occasional B) student. I work very hard. My lowest grade is 92% right now. Next year my goal is (and I think I could accomplish this) to get a 97%+ in every subject. I'm not in any advanced classes, but I do take Spanish as an extra.

    As far as extracurricular activities go, I play piano, I am an Irish Dancer, I volunteer quite a bit, I tutor people at school, I volunteer at church a lot (which may help because some of the schools I might apply to are Christian), and I WAS a Girl Scout for 3 1/2 years. I don't think I have enough extracurricular activities, so I am willing to add more as needed...possibly debate and I may start playing the harp.

    Some of the boarding schools I'm interested in are: Thomas Jefferson (St. Louis), Shattuck St. Mary's, Hillcrest Academy, Western Mennonite School, Culver Academies, and a few more.

    As for money, I (based on experience and past events) assume my parents are willing to pay about $25,000. I would try to get financial aid if needed... but I'm not sure I'd qualify. I've only kind of brought up boarding schools with my parents, so I need to talk to them and I think I will in a few months.

    Do you think these or some of these are out of my league? Are there any boarding schools IN my league? Do you think I could get into one of these boarding schools or a boarding school? Do I need more extracurricular activities? Any information/suggestions help! Thank you, also please state if you are an experienced boarding school student. 

    +1  Views: 2565 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    I think you need to check with your parents to see if they can afford boarding school and also with your school counselor to see if he/she can help you to investigate boarding schools to find out what their academic requirements are. 

    In 7th grade, one is usually 12-13.  Getting a job to help pay for boarding school costs is unrealistic, due to your age.  Are you looking for a "better" education or just to get away from home....WHY do you want to go to boarding school?  Do you realize that your extra-curricular activities currently occupying your time won't be available to you at your new school...piano lessons, volunteering at "your" church, will have to establish new opportunities for your volunteer efforts.  

    My personal opinion is to finish your junior high years and start at the high school in whose district you reside. You may find many more opportunities for activities right where you are, and use those experiences to attend a distant college.  If you are going to hit up your parents for the expense of boarding school at age 14, you should have "all your ducks in a row"...meaning, an answer for every possible argument.  AND, be ready to accept a flat "NO".  

    I never went to a boarding school, but I did send two of my kids to "Therapeutic" boarding schools, and have mixed feelings about them at this point.

    It sounds like your a good candidate.And all those good grades and activities will look good on  your record and your resume ' 

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