    when did jesus die?

    +2  Views: 1277 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    This site "may" explain a thing or two...

    Not one of the five!


    terryfossil 1

    good answer Romos,but to much for me ,,,i do not care what day,,just so long as it happned

    Here's what Wikipedia says about our calendar and how we got it, which should help answer your question:

    The Anno Domini dating system was devised in 525 by Dionysius Exiguus to enumerate the years in his Easter table. His system was to replace the Diocletian era that had been used in an old Easter table because he did not wish to continue the memory of a tyrant who persecuted Christians.[14] The last year of the old table, Diocletian 247, was immediately followed by the first year of his table, AD 532. When he devised his table, Julian calendar years were identified by naming the consuls who held office that year—he himself stated that the "present year" was "the consulship of Probus Junior", which was 525 years "since the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ".[15] Thus Dionysius implied that Jesus' Incarnation occurred 525 years earlier, without stating the specific year during which his birth or conception occurred. "However, nowhere in his exposition of his table does Dionysius relate his epoch to any other dating system, whether consulate, Olympiad, year of the world, or regnal year of Augustus; much less does he explain or justify the underlying date."[16]:778

    Blackburn & Holford-Strevens briefly present arguments for 2 BC, 1 BC, or AD 1 as the year Dionysius intended for the Nativity or Incarnation.  

    Among the sources of confusion are:[16]:778–9

    • In modern times Incarnation is synonymous with the conception, but some ancient writers, such as Bede, considered Incarnation to be synonymous with the Nativity

    • The civil, or consular year began on 1 January but the Diocletian year began on 29 August

    • There were inaccuracies in the list of consuls

    • There were confused summations of emperors' regnal years

    It has also been speculated by Georges Declercq[17] that Dionysius' desire to replace Diocletian years with a calendar based on the incarnation of Christ was to prevent people from believing the imminent end of the world. At the time it was believed that the Resurrection and end of the world would occur 500 years after the birth of Jesus. The old Anno Mundi calendar theoretically commenced with the creation of the world based on information in the Old Testament. It was believed that based on the Anno Mundi calendar Jesus was born in the year 5500 (or 5500 years after the world was created) with the year 6000 of the Anno Mundi calendar marking the end of the world.[18][19] Anno Mundi 6000 (approximately AD 500) was thus equated with the resurrection of Christ and the end of the world [20] but this date had already passed in the time of Dionysius. Dionysius therefore searched for a new end of the world at a later date. He was heavily influenced by ancient cosmology, in particular the doctrine of the Great Year that places a strong emphasis onplanetary conjunctions. Dionysius decided that when all the planets were in conjunction this cosmic event would mark the end of the world. Dionysius accurately calculated that this conjunction would occur in May AD 2000, about 1500 years after the life of Dionysius. Dionysius then applied another cosmological timing mechanism based on precession of the equinoxes (that had only been discovered about six centuries earlier). Though incorrect, many people at the time believed that the precessional cycle was 24,000 years which included twelve astrological ages of 2,000 years each. Dionysius believed that if the planetary alignment of May 2000 marked the end of an age, then the birth of Jesus Christ marked the beginning of the age 2,000 years earlier on the 23rd March (the date of the Northern Hemisphere Spring Equinox and beginning of many yearly calendars from ancient times). He therefore deducted 2,000 years from the May 2000 conjunction to produce AD 1[21] for the incarnation of Christ even though modern scholars and the Roman Catholic Church[22] acknowledge that the birth of Jesus was a few years earlier than AD 1.[23][24][25][26]

    SO, if this is all accurate, and Christ lived approximately 33 years before being crucified (which I believe), that means he died roughly 1,981 years ago.


    He died about  2,014 years ago. And remember, he came back to life, too- - - -3 days after he was killed.

    terryfossil 1

    but where was he during those 3 days MCM,,,,,,,,

    Terry, the bible said he went down to hell to see how things were going down there.Then he came back to earth.

    LUKE 23:42-43. Odd, Jesus would tell the guy on the next cross he was going to be in Paradise with Jesus "today".
    Could you give some references and back up for your comment to terry, mcm?
    terryfossil 1

    that is my understanding also MCM,however my understanding is also that Jesus died with the sins of the world future and past on his shoulders.hence a sinner,,so when he arrived in hell,satan knew him and figured he had a great victory,,however the holy spirit descended upon Jesus,he then commanded the keys to life and death,,hence the blood of Christ become the bridge back to God,,and that is my understanding of my teachings MCM,,always nice talking MCM

    Terry explained it well.

    MCM, I appreciate Terry's response, but I was asking for actual Biblical references...maybe you can help with that?

    He never died, The Bible was written that way to make an ending. The writers never villified "sacrifice" enough to drive THAT completely from every mind and heart enough. What He did was intended to be the LAST SACRIFICE....NOT THE PERPETUAL sacrifice. that trails along behind Christian religions to this day........ year after bloody year. "Sacrifice for our country in war"; for our children; for every sort of thing as its the only way to end this problem. 

    terryfossil 1

    hey Robert,, i have a christian,and i believe he is the last and only sacrifice,i do not understand your last comment,"it carries on year after bloody year ",,always nice talking mate............................................

    Is there a good reason to attack and disparage someone's beliefs with such venom? There isn't one Christian on this site who makes nasty remarks about your faith, morals, beliefs, or followings.

    Thank you Bob and Terry. I grew up in the church. Jesus told his followers to let his sacrifice be the "last sacrifice". Interesting that there are many different stories and meaning in those events. The preachers I've known defined the gift of money as a personal sacrifice in offerings. When it comes to meanings of interpretations....How many different ways are their?
    terryfossil 1

    hi Robert,I sort of agree with some of what you say,but the bible was not written for intellectuals ,it was written for the simple man and it was written so he could understand it,i will give you a parable Jesus gave,You tell me how you understand it "it is easier for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven,than for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle",,,,remember the meaning is the same,even though it was said to a people of that time,for a people of this time and onwards,,,Always nice talking Robert..........

    I thought I placed a comment here in response to yours, robertgrist... my interpretation of Jesus being the last sacrifice meant there would be no more animal sacrifices....calf, lamb, bird, etc.

    sacrifice |ˈsakrəˌfīs|
    an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure: they offer sacrifices to the spirits | the ancient laws of animal sacrifice.
    • an animal, person, or object offered in a sacrifice.
    • an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy: we must all be prepared to make sacrifices.
    • Christian Church Christ's offering of himself in the Crucifixion.
    • Christian Church the Eucharist regarded either (in Catholic terms) as a propitiatory offering of the body and blood of Christ or (in Protestant terms) as an act of thanksgiving.
    • Chess a move intended to allow the opponent to win a pawn or piece, for strategic or tactical reasons.
    • (also sacrifice bunt or sacrifice hit)Baseball a bunted ball that puts the batter out but allows a base runner or runners to advance.
    • (also sacrifice bid)Bridge a bid made in the belief that it will be less costly to be defeated in the contract than to allow the opponents to make a contract.
    verb [ with obj. ]
    offer or kill as a religious sacrifice: the goat was sacrificed at the shrine.
    • give up (something important or valued) for the sake of other considerations: working hard doesn't mean sacrificing your social life.
    • Chess deliberately allow one's opponent to win (a pawn or piece).
    • Baseball advance (a base runner) by a sacrifice.
    • [ no obj. ] Bridge make a sacrifice bid.
    ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French, from Latin sacrificium; related to sacrificus ‘sacrificial,’ from sacer ‘holy.’

    1 the sacrifice of animals: ritual slaughter, offering, oblation, immolation.
    2 the calf was a sacrifice: (votive) offering, burnt offering, gift, oblation.
    3 joining a federation may result in the sacrifice of sovereignty: surrender, giving up, abandonment, renunciation, forfeiture, relinquishment, resignation, abdication.
    1 two goats were sacrificed: offer up, immolate, slaughter.
    2 he sacrificed his principles: give up, abandon, surrender, forgo, renounce, forfeit, relinquish, resign, abdicate; betray.

    When I was growing up the term sacrifice was often heard regarding everyday events to instill a sense of need for sacrifices just to get through life on a day to day basis. Money...a form of sacrifice, bait a hook...sacrifice a worm on a hook and offer it to fish. Catch a fish to sacrifice(kill) and fry...A burnt offering to God before consuming as a meal. Offer your own children as a sacrifice by encouraging them to join the military to win in lethal conflict so the guardians of evil will die at any cost. My respect for sacrifice is at a very low level. Reason and thinking makes sacrifice unnecessary...even ridiculous. Thinking about what we are doing leads to wisdom and wit....a higher form of thoughtful thinking that does not embrace a blood-curdling-goory night mare life styles. I have proven to myself that the light of LOVE transcends all supposed need for sacrifice. This is where I ask you to join with me in all need for sacrifice to sacrifice itself and let Love be your only true standard. Thank you.

    Robert, They've NEVER found Jesus's body !

    Well, considering God is love, I don't see what the problem is. You can give me dictionary and thesaurus all day long, and I will still give you the same reply. Before Jesus, live calves and lambs and birds were sacrificed to God. Jesus was the last living ritualistic sacrifice to God, AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED.
    terryfossil 1

    your on the money Bob, except the sacrifice was for us,,not god..thats how i see it,,, always nice talking Bob,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    terry, thank you. You are absolutely correct!

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