    woman wants,, woman gets,,happy wife ,,happy life,,3 stages of a vege garden ( opinions please )

    vege garden""""

    +7  Views: 1353 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    What a project, and it looks wonderful!  Hope the harvest is plentiful and the time spent enjoyable for you both.  
    Do you have to worry about garden pests (rabbits, deer, gophers, snails, and the like.  You've enclosed it, so suspect you already considered some of the saboteurs.

    terryfossil 1

    thanks Bob,yes totally enclosed with shade cloth up one end,,and they are raised garden beds,,raised up 400cm high, or just under half a metre,,i think she grew butter beans,,dont hold me to that,my wife done the planting.....

    I think it's great. Very impressed with the craftsmanship.

    Very nice Terry. Your wife is a lucky woman.What type of vegies are you growing ?

    terryfossil 1

    corn, tomato,spinach,celery,and a few other things,,i only built it ,,my wife planted everything

    Looking good Terry, as you say, HAPPY WIFE, HAPPY LIFE!

    Fish of the moment...




    a neon tetra

    Wow! That's a pretty schmick setup Terry.

    terryfossil 1

    thanks mate


    I'm excited to receive my gift basket!   :)


    terryfossil 1

    i think she planted all that stuff in your basket,,except the apple,,but we had an apple tree up the back with the citrus tree's

    Yum...I'll be happy to buy my own apples. That's the least I can contribute. :)

    Nothing like grazing in the garden while doing yard work.  I do not come in for lunch, I grab a beer, and each time near the garden grab a different veggie.  Could be some spinach, a cuke, tomato, pepper, or lettuce.  In June and July, dessert is handfuls of blueberries, washed with maybe a second beer!!


    Remember this years invite Ray!

    Got it on the calendar as we speak... You are bringing that stuff stuffed in the gut, right?

    Of course, y,all said you enjoyed it, didn't you?

    Yes, as long as you clear it of the original contents!

    Looks great..must have taken some planning and a lot of work!..Well done..Lucky wife!:-)X

    number one rule in marriage:  YES DEAR!




    if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy !!

    # 2 rule > > the man should always say, " You're probably right, dear. "
    terryfossil 1

    only if it gets me what i want JH ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Always a good idea to keep the wife happy Terry. And there are no vegetables better than fresh ones which you have grown yourself.

    terryfossil 1

    thanks Sunny....................................

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