    Are you aware of your dreams while you are sleeping? &/or do you remember them when you wake up?

    +3  Views: 983 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    Both. Just lately I’ve been aware of my dreaming and can for myself to go back in……….


    I have a lot of strange dreams, I can usually remember them when I wake. I'm nearly always a lot younger in my dreams too. Probably a lot of things I should have done and didn't.


    I'm younger and thinner in my dreams.

    Dreams do not occupy my sleep much anymore. Does that mean I'm getting less "good" sleep?
    Some of my dreams were very vivid and I could remember them almost as vividly upon waking. Some scared me awake, and there were some where I would try to run or cry out and could not move my body or get out any more than a pathetic squeak. I do remember waking up to the squeak; it is terrifying to not be able to move or speak.  

    TWO very good dreams (1) flying/soaring  (2) erotic, no details for any of you! 


    Only men get the sticky sheets!

    I am neat, complete, and discreet.

    I've dreampt about me and Brad Pitt :-P

    Sticky sheets Juliana? ;D

    I think it might be good for your inner soul Bob,to let go and release some of your more erotic,drreams it will always be held in confidentuality on here,

    I'd rather hear about Brad and mycatsmom!

    I have very vivid dreams that go on for a long time and have action,plot, dialoge, adn evolve into other scenarios

    I have dreams more lately than ever in life, so far.   I have vivid dreams almost nightly, once in a while, they wake me, and I go back to sleep and they pick right back up.  Sometimes, I wish they did not, as their are situations that I have to control, and cannot.  The soaring dreams are probably the most enjoyable tied with any erotic ones.... 

    Yes and Yes,I dreamt of somthing i could never have seen,yes it happen before i was born,

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