    What was your first full-time job and in what year.

    +6  Views: 1898 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    10 Answers

    Payroll clerk for 200 (hourly) employees, calculated weekly and all by hand (no computers). It was  paid by cash which was placed in an envelope for each employee....1961. Most interestingly, they came into my office, picked up their envelope and didn't even have to sign for it. In my three years on that job, no one ever complained that they had not received their pay! Can you imagine that system in today's world?


    Wow ! Sounds like a big job !

    And I was 19 and in charge of opening the office each morning and also sending any "new hires" to the job site. (I must have been much more mature then, than now!) LOL!!

    1975:  Assistant Residence Hall Manager at College of the Redwoods, Eureka, CA

    The first job I had (working 40 hours per week) was at Sam's Club in Ft. Worth, Texas.

    I was hired as a cashier, but I was constantly asked to fill in as a door greeter on the day's the door greeters had a day off or were on vacation.  The managers wanted me at the entrance and exit doors because I had such a great smile. ( I was known as "Smiley" in junior high and high school because I have an infectious smile).

    (2002 or 3 until 2005)


    ...and that stoned thing; big smile!
    country bumpkin

    LOL....when I was writing my "smiley" answer I thought about my high school years and my extra curricular activities and hoped no one would associate the two. LOL
    On a serious note though, I was straight as the ace of spades when I started working for Sam's Club.

    I DO believe you.

    chainman on a bush surverors gang at about 16 years old,,i was called the nipper or billy boy,,and was generally the one all the practical jokes were played on,,,and about 1967,,,,,too much information,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Royal Navy, 1971, boys service.

    I actually earned more per week on my milk delivery round while I was at school.

    Sad but true :(

    1979, worked for Eagle Signal at various positions……….left in 2003


    What did they produce ?

    Traffic control equipment. The computer try to run an intersection, the cabinets them selves that sit on the strut corners. I wired cabinets….. We also mnf. traffic lights……...
    terryfossil 1

    Hey JH, my brother and i both worked for Eagle Signals in Melbourne Aussie,,i spray painted the traffic signal cabinate and my brother assembled them,,Jeez that was about 40 years ago,,

    That’s remarkable, we are kin, you and I. Wow!
    terryfossil 1

    Small World JH Small World..>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    I worked there for 25 years. Did everything BUT paint cabinets…….
    terryfossil 1

    i did nothing but paint em,,but i was only there for a year,,itcheee feet..

    Dec 1962. Trainee Floorlayer . 

    1962 age 14.Started my apprenticeship with a bunch of great blokes who were all Ex Pows of the Japanese.WWII. It was like a second education hearing all their stories.I will never forget those blokes.I think they inspired me to be the man I am today.They are all gone now.All dead at an early age because of what they suffered at the hand of their captors.


    Bluey,Bunger,Ian,Arthur,Charlie & Alec.

    working in a store where they sold books and records. Some of you younger people don't even know what a  " record " is. hee hee


    It surprised me, and possibly you, too, to know that MANY young people (20's+) are VERY into collecting vinyl and going to secondhand stores, antique shops, flea markets, and anywhere else they can get their hands on LPs. My "connection" would be the approximately 100 students I am in contact with on a weekly basis at Fresno City College. Not a majority of youth, obviously, but an indication.

    Iam looking around for a while for a record player to play my vinyls, and to download them to cd's so i can play them in the car, i hope they are alrightas i have'nt heard them for a least 25 years, i miss the pips and pops. :)

    I bought one of those a few years ago, Bulletman, and have yet to use it. Have the LPs, have the CDs, have the time.... ;(
    terryfossil 1

    @Bulletman,i already done that mate,Just make sure you buy one with a USB Port,and away you go.......

    I started as an indentured letterpress machinist on 13th january 1966, my first weeks wages was 6 pounds, 13 shillings and sixpence, the next month 14th Feruary 1966 Australia converted to dollars and cents which made it $13 and 35 cents, i felt rich, apprentice wages are bloody awful compared to a tradesman wages of approx. 80 to 100 dollars. I would have rathered a career in the Royal Australian Navy, when you are young sometimes the decisions made seem to be the right ones..

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