    why are so many good people turning their backs on the massive legalized murder taking place at abortion clinics...? It is not health care, murder never was...Or society has effectively closed their eyes to this wanton hu man destruction... to the shame of all America once stoof for...Scientific studies now confirm, these innocent victims can feel every bit of the pain of a brutal limb from limb removal from their mothers womb...Where is our supposed compassion...?

    Did you know there is no longer any reason necessary for a pregnant woman to have an abortion...Just to say the child will be inconvenient is sufficient.....JjB.....


    +3  Views: 1609 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: abortion

    7 Answers

    I think abortion is totally immoral, it's taking the life of a living being, and should never have been legalized. There are plenty of people who want babies and can't have them, who would love to adopt and can't, because there are not enough to adopt now. It's another lefty liberal ideal which has been allowed to be passed.

    JJ why don't you work on world peace and leave women decisions and their life up to them.  I'm sure nobody likes or wants abortions, however, take a look, a good look at the world.   all the starving people around the world, so many problems. i'm sure in the future there will probably be no abortions because we will have solved so many planetary issues. we probably will thank the people that were against abortions. we are not there yet. therefore, let women alone.  women are harassed all over the world because somebody, usually a man, thinks they should be doing something else, mainly pleasing them, or carrying out some rule they made up for the woman). i believe . . . leave women alone and make yourself a better person & treat your wife nice.


    Nice one tabber!XX

    thank you millie!

    How many unwanted babies have you adopted, JJ? America stands for the rights of a woman to decide what happens to her body. Reaction does not always mean physical pain. Scientific studies show that some plants react to heat, they recoil from it but that does not mean they feel pain if you burn them. Did you know that it is inhuman in the minds of compassionate people to force a woman who has been raped to bear the child of her rapist? Take away legalized abortion and we go back to the dark days when women went to hacks and many of them died because of botched abortions. Inconvenient babies are also abused, some severely, some killed because they were never wanted in the first place. Abused babies are completely aware of the pain they suffer on a daily basis. Very few are rescued and removed from the abuse. This is what happens to many inconvenient babies that the mothers choose to give birth to rather than abort. 


    Right, Colleen, i can not count the tears i have lost over seeing so many 'inconvenient' kids being abuse by care givers, parents and others. it's a disgrace. i agree that JJ needs to go to a shelter and adopt a few of these kids then come back and talk on this topic.

    TOTALLY AGREE Colleen!..The only proceedure a Nurse or Dr.can say no to taking part in ,in a hospita is a termination of pregnancy!..I saw so many awful cases..women raped..some who kept their babies!..Others who just had the right to decide the way forward..I didn`t judge any..the only thing that I did find appalling was the no of young girls who were using abortion as" birth control"..Some had had as many as 11/12 terminations and the theatre staff would say to them .."See you soon"..that to me is outrageous!..Other than that I believe a woman has every right to choose!..many may not agree with me..but highly contraversial debate!!

    I think girls under the age of 18 years old should have to get an IUD.

    @Colleen...sadly the ones who kept returning were usually in the 20-30 age group...they just had such attitude they didn`t seem to give a darn!!

    Women always have and always will want abortions so it is best that they are carried out in licensed premises by qualified people, instead of in back-street premises by untrained workers.

    I was thinking recently about the women I have known who have had abortions: my ex-wife has had two (not my kids); a girlfriend had two and her mother one; another girlfriend had one ( and she worked in a family planning clinic!); and I suspect my mother had one.

    In my opinion, abortions should be legal. It’s a woman’s right to choose and live with herself the rest of her life.  Yes, abortions should be legal and no one should ever have to choose so. 


    I somewhat agree, but more than that, I agree with Dr. Kevorkian, legalize assisted suicide!


    Hi I feel there is no more compassion in the world we are a throw away society this includes Babies  and animals all humans just like we want and want and children are being brought up with no respect for their toys animals or their parents so how can  child when growas up have respect for their bodies or when they get pregnant it's really so sad but I feel it will get worse before it gets better 

     No one should have to bear an unwanted child, and no child should be born unwanted.

    My third pregnancy began at age 37, and we had two little boys, 1 and 2 years old. I had an amniocentesis done, and felt that if there was something "wrong" with the fetus that would require a lot of time and effort, compromising my other sons' opportunities, I would terminate the pregnancy.  WHAT, exactly, that would be, would be up for discussion between my (then) husband and me, a joint decision. Fortunately, I didn't have to make that choice.


    Why did you have an amniocenteses done on your 3rd child ?

    I had amniocentesis performed on all my pregnancies because of my age. The older an expectant mother is, the more likely the fetus will face a challenge in life such as Down's Syndrome.

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