Is that the one with Elvis,Bogey & Jimmy dean in it?
The real painting is anonymous folks, but a parody has been done with those guys. My son went to school in Texas and called me one day to ask me to send him a copy of this painting. I actually had stationary with Hopper paintings and had purchased it JUST BECAUSE "Nightowls" was included. :D
5 Answers
Yes I do.I posted a pic of my fav sculpture a while back but it was quickly edited.LOL
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I Had one like that ,that you put soada in to top up your Whisky ,what a little thing to be up in arms about,Tommyh,
Haha! I like the idea for a soda fountain.
Yes at the time I was quite amazed.It is a famous & beautiful work of art in Italy seen by thousands of people every day.I guess the mods have their rules that they have to stick to.:~
Yes at the time I was quite amazed.It is a famous & beautiful work of art in Italy seen by thousands of people every day.I guess the mods have their rules that they have to stick to.:~
Dogs playing polka!
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Dancing the polka or playing poker?
My parents had a print of the poker playing dogs. Wish I knew how to post an image in comments.
My parents had a print of the poker playing dogs. Wish I knew how to post an image in comments.
Yes that is what I meant to type, Poker, not dancing dogs, ha ha... It may also make a funny print though!
ROMOS, a true classic, my brother in law bought a house and there was one hanging on a wall. We took it down to discover it covered a big hole in the wall. So when one wonders where to hang this print, where ever there is a hole!
Thank you both! The image of polka dancing dogs is beyond amusing.
Is there another print of dogs playing poker, ROMOS? And, how'd you DO that???
Is there another print of dogs playing poker, ROMOS? And, how'd you DO that???
Tom Merrifield ballet sculptures.. Beautiful sculptures..My Dad bought my one one for their 25th and 50th Wedding A`s...Hampstead,London sculptures..but one had to go in for repair last year..Mum won`t go back for it as he allegedly tried to grope my sister!..kind f taken the pleasure out of looking at the remaining statue!LOL...shall have to send bro back to collect o one!;-0
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Oh no! Get your brother over there ASAP! Around here, things not claimed in thirty days are forfeited to the storekeeper!!! Those are beautiful statues!
My Bros are pacifists and don`t exactly like my sister much!..we`re
very different but I love them all..The shock was T.M.was very effeminte..we all thought when she was invited to see his etchings..tha
t`s all she thought she`d be seeing!:-0
very different but I love them all..The shock was T.M.was very effeminte..we all thought when she was invited to see his etchings..tha
t`s all she thought she`d be seeing!:-0
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