    What was your "never fail" dating secret?

    Was it a cologne?  Was it a special pair of jeans?  Was it a line that always worked?  What made YOU irresistible?  What was your backup plan?

    +8  Views: 2340 Answers: 13 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: dating

    13 Answers

    I tried harder!



      This reminds me of my first date with my sons' father.  I was never one to wear a dress, but when my ex asked me out on our first date I wanted to make an impression on him so I curled the ends of my hair which was over half way down my back and I borrowed a very cute dress. I was also asked to choose the movie. ( Even though the movie did not appeal to me) I asked to see Point Break because it was a new release movie about FBI agents and my future husband to be was a Drug Enforcement Agent and a pilot for US Customs.

      I was feeling so good about myself by thinking what a positive impression I must have been making on this man, but a couple of months later he told me that women who wear a dress on the first date only wear a dress because they plan to "put out" (which I never did) and he told me to never take a cop to a cop movie because all they do is set there and pick out everything that is wrong with the script.

      I honestly do not know what he saw in me that made him fall in love with me, but for the exception of my son, I wish he would have dumped me after that first date. (*~*)




    Lessons in dating from your ex-husband? I hope you ignored him.
    I feel the same way about my ex...except for the kids...

    Be causal and hard to get like me,and wear your best bowling shoes,


    The bowling shoes only work with a retro bowling shirt....THEN you are irresistible!

    and a white short pleted skirt?????????????????????????

    I don't think you would be irresistible in a skirt, short, white, pleated, or otherwise. :O

    Not me,Miss Bob,

    Honestly, not me, either. :(
    terryfossil 1

    in that game mate,just keep bowling in the 250's and the world is your oyster,,always nice talking Hec,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I like those shiny, satin bowling jackets..."Joe's Bowling Lanes". Yee-haw!!

    No back up plan, it was either a yes or a no, I guess it was 70/50 for the yes vote, you gotta let some get away! ;)


    70/50...Interesting odds. Watch that guy, CB.

    Bit old in the tooth now P, notice I said "Tooth" ;)
    country bumpkin

    I'm so happy he did not let me get away!

    Older and wiser!!

    OK, 90/30...............SATISFIED Ladies?

    I can add!

    I made some silly bet with a guy so that whoever won the bet, the two would have to go out (the bet was for a hamburger). Did this once, married the guy, got out 3 years later and the rest is  history…………..


    Years ago living in the college dorm, I bet a guy Michelob beer was available in cans as well as bottles. There were no cans in northern California, though, so my mom, bless her heart, sent me one (I NEVER saw my mom OR my dad with a beer, ever). Anyway, we had a nice dinner and I met someone else when we got back from our date. Long story....
    terryfossil 1

    what do you think of gambling now JH

    I buy the occasional scratch off, have the same king of luck as I did in finding a husband……..

    Chewing or sucking on the ear lobe worked for me 9 out of ten,  o' what a night lol. -- of course i had to get to the ear that was the hard part.


    Ah, and that's the $64,000 question: How did you get to the ear lobe!!! :D


    I never found one 'never fail' secret.  i did them all until one worked, it wasn't always the same one, people are different, people react differently to spoken words and gestures.

    I would have to say there isn't a rule of the game, the game changes with each challenge.


    I don't know why I am picturing you with a playbook! All you need to do is play something smooth on the piano!
    country bumpkin

    Digger shouldn't miss this question. Haha, wouldn't you like to see his response Bob? (*~*)

    It will be unique, that's for sure. I wonder what Umbriel would have written...

    Playing the piano does have its points but boring for the player, time consuming and avoid of the point! Need to get them in a horizontal position!! LOL!!! That is what we are talking about isn't it??? ??? ??? :)
    country bumpkin

    Everybody Wants To Do The Horizontal Bop. (*~*)

    Not necessarily; I was thinking about what people did to impress a date as a human more than as a bed partner.
    Being an accomplished musician adds a quality of sensitivity even if someone is heavy metal or worse (like there might be something worse...).
    country bumpkin

    This must have something to do with hooking up with a drummer. (*~*)

    and the beat goes on....
    country bumpkin

    La de da de de, la de da de da.


    Musicians have very sensitive fingers. Joking aside, when I was traveling with show groups in the 70's and 80's, I look back and think as a young guy how great it was having all these females chasing after us, now that I am older and wiser i see the silliness of it. Stage musicians are like highschool football players. It's not that the girls really want the football player or musician, it's the fact that they are in the spotlight and they want to prove to their peers that they can have anyone that they want. It's competition. Of course being a young guy we take advantage of this phenomenon. As we get older sensitivity takes over and then the game is over. Funny thing, when I was young and sowing oats, I was fearless, when I got older and looking for Ms. Right, all of a sudden I became very shy and reserved, afraid to say the wrong thing. That's when maturity sets in and the heart begins to speak rather than that other thing. :) It was very difficult for me to settle down, I didn't marry until I was 31 years old.

    31 isn't late in life any more, Vinny, but I see your point. It's interesting to hear how one of the guys viewed things about groupies back then. If you hadn't experienced what you did back then, you would be a different type of man, at least a little bit, than you are now. You seem more than "OK" or "fine", so you probably made the right choices!


    Bob/PKB: I could write a book on my travels with the bands, also several years as a traveling solo and small duos/trios. Some good, some not so good but I would not forget the experience for the world! It is sooo much fun sitting and talking to other musicians and trading stories of the road life. There's never a dull moment! The only sad thing is that you meet people and depending how long a 'gig' is, you get close to them and never see them again. I learned this early in my travels, I did not allow myself to get too close. Very sad leaving. Sometimes we would do a circuit, means you have like 15 rooms contracted, 3 weeks each room, you rotate all the rooms and start over again. Then you get to see old friends again. Sometimes they even travel with us. :)

    What a wonderful life opportunity, but you're right that those friendships are intense and too brief. The memories would definitely make a best seller. I know a ghost writer......

    wear black when the moon is in scorpio.  my cousin told me that years ago and i've always done it. black is a sexy color. if you want things to move with action, wear black and red when going out.  if you want a one nite stand wear purple.  if you want to just meet nice people wear something with lilac in it. Color is a beautiful thing. don't wear red if you're a woman, going for an interview with a woman, makes her feel she's being challenged.  i think what made me irresistible is that when i went out i always had so much fun that the opposite sex likes to see that and maybe try to discover  how they can join in. plus i'm pretty open to most people and love to dance. i don't think i ever turned a dance request down. i like the idea of being a charming person. luckily my partner is a charming person that likes to dance too, and we like the same kinds of music. wow.


    I like how you use color to set a tone, mood, limits, expectations, but I expect you to be sharp about relationships! Glad you and your partner have fun together and love to dance! I've never had a dancer to share an evening out.

    Bob one of my hobbies is match making. i love good couples, which we all know take time and care to have. i tend to understand relationships and friends and family often ask me what i think and are we compatible. i love it! now for dancing. i love to dance. when i was single, where did i go. . . to dance clubs. that's where i met my partner. i tell people, whatever you like to do, go to the places that have that activity and you are bound to me a person that loves what you love. thanks bob!

    Exactly, tabber. I've met some wonderful friends by being a bowler for 40 years, even a gentleman friend or two over the years. I'm waiting for hector to come to Fresno and bowl with me! :D

    Bob, hector999? great!!!

    Never had "lines" or "techniques". Was always pretty much "just me" and if someone liked me, they did. If not, I don't remember being concerned. I used to love to dance and always enjoyed funny people. "Like attracts like" they say because even today, I have funny friends who also think I am funny.       :)

    (But some, are not amused.)


    ....and warped, : )

    And..."warped attracts warped", right? :)

    ""  Hi sweetheart,i have a million dollars to spend in one week and i need a hand,,sorry Bob just kidding,,,the photo is for Fisho,not a sad story fish,,my 9 year old niece caught her first fish,,but she was so worried about the fish being in pain ,,we had to put him back,,so he lived to get bigger,,he was caught in the infamous Wivenhoe dam,,,always nice talking...................................................................................................................................

    When I was young I would go to the movies with a girl I liked and their sisters brothers Mom, Dad etc. It was like dating the whole family. Going to bed with girls was never a problem. I didn't have a "line". Simple honesty and let her lead where she chooses to go has always been best for me. I have always preferred simple clear honesty and the women i've loved usually approached me first. I doubt that my looks had anything to do with it. Simple honesty is appealing and gloriously attractive. I like funny but not offensive. I love, and love to be loved. I avoid criticizing personally. If asked if I like a dress, you know me... I like the dress you made and if you'll pass it on over here so i can see your stitches I would like it even better.     



    Am yet to discover it!!..but if I wasn`t incred. happy with my long term fab partner Adriel...(Am so lucky...didn`t believe in soul mates before that!!...I`d have got a dog!...Never had so much pos.attn as have whilst walking my friend`s employers dog!!..i think I`d be set up for life!!LOL..


    You're a nurse!!!!!!!!
    You should NEVER have had problems.....
    Says me, who went to a good few nurses parties and failed!

    Awwwhhhh THANKS ROMOS...was v.shy when I started nursing and didn`t want to fall into the nurse/Dr..relationship trap..didn`t want to get a name..if that makes sense? the end in my 20s/30s had a ten year relationship with a Dr..AND A 4 yr v.serious with other..that`s why when ended ...stupidly married on the rebound!..youth is so wasted on the young

    Youth no more, but happy!

    @ROMOS...YEP HAPPIER than have ever been..crazy isn`t it!xx

    Never date!

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