    Do you have solar power?

    Are you happy with it?Do the savings offset the cost quickly?

    +2  Views: 801 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago
    terryfossil 1

    tommyh,on a different tact,,a couple days ago ,you guys were talking about uploading to AKA,,i could not see the video tutorial that Colleen put up,,but i did download "tinypic" as suggested by Colleen,,but i am stuffed if i can make it work,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    3 Answers

    Hey Tommyh,,i do not ,i did look into it when it first came out,at first look i thought it was great,,but then i found out it has a couple of pitfalls..power companies make a lot of money from power,,the more people that go on solar the less money they get,,but because of the power going back into the grid,the less power the company has to make,,the bottom line is the people with solar will end up being charged for it,but not until there is a lot of people on it,,and you have already paid a lot of money for the unit,,and the units are not always upgradeable, however each to his own,,,,,,,,,,,,,,always nice talking Tommyh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    Thanks Terry.I'm researching.Our power bills are horrendous!
    terryfossil 1

    if you install right now tommyh,you will save money,,it is a matter of when they are going to start charging you for saving them,,do your sums well mate,,,,always nice talking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Don't have it , but am in favor of it.Wish I did have it. Would also like to have a small solar generator in case of a black out, at least it would power a lamp, and maybe the refridgerator.


    No, but my utility bill is quite low, so I'm OK. I know a woman who rents the solar equipment at what I think is a pretty high rate per month and her utility bill is still quite high, too. Plus, if she sells her home, I'm not sure what happens to the solar. Coupled with the solar bill, I don't see where she's saving a penny. Her neighbor was able to buy the system outright (about $30,000) and has utility bills that are sometimes as low as $4.00. I would do the math to figure out what's the more economical route to take. 

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