.... As this was not acceptable.
... waiting for suspension now. Very glad to have seen the joy. You two are 'awesome cool'. xo... over and out... because you both know, I will receive 'beaten up' by yet one more person inside the infinite posse. The fish is out.
10 Answers
I've been told at least a couple of times that Admin regularly monitor our questions, answers and comments. If this is correct information and Admin see this question and the answers then it would be responsible of them to respond to this question on aka personally for all members to read.
10 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
We should however start a pool to see how long this question stays on the forum.
Greetings King of the Fleas;
I imagine as long as companies continue to advertise, akaQA will still exist. The ratings, however are down. A fact that has been obvious for a very long time. The quality of the companies that do advertise on this forum has changed dramatically. Considering this is supposed to be a Family Friendly Forum ... this fact is quite disturbing.
Sad and true.
Fish of the day...
Have a great one!
... Hold on! I have just checked, even the half naked Asian Women dating sites have disappeared. ... and, so surprisingly have the Cougar dating sites. We are in dire straights.
10 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
Too much moderating/editing/censorship has silenced and chased away a number of interesting characters.
10 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
Peoplelover,Eggplant,Jenn,To name only a few.WHY?
It was very nice knowing you. xo F
This volvo ad keeps popping up in video mode, drives me nuts. I will not buy a volvo!
And that disgusting arm with all the rot on it needs to go away too, the big boob one can stay though. :)
10 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
I don't think those big boobs are real Vinny. Looking a tad on the unnatural side. :D
a fair question Romos,,here is a point,,Bob asked "does anyone have a suggestion that would make it better here "of all the people answering this question right now,,all of you have over 157000 karma points,except for me with 30000 points,,so most of you on this site should know more about this site and how it works,however all of you seem to have a real complaint against the site..that being so,an answer for your questions should be forthcoming,,i asked a question when i first joined ,who owns and runs this site i was told we do ,,but i and you know nothing is free,,so i say ,,be careful how loud we protest ,hence we might lose what we have,,i do like you people and i do enjoy the debates,,yes even Colleen's,,though we do seem to disagree on most things..because of the sort of person i am,,i talk more to you people than to anyone else,,,,,,nice talking...............,,,,,,,,,,
10 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
One sustains a business or invents something new.
I found a traffic graph for akaQA that said there were 3.5M visitors in 2-2013 and in 3-2014 it is.25m This is on akaqa.com 3snoop Maybe thats why there are no questions.Where are the people??
10 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
aka.com snoop summary
Report last updated: 337 hours ago - [Update This Report!]
This is a free and comprehensive report about aka.com. aka.com is hosted in Europe on a server with an IP address of In Europe the local currency is (). The website aka.com is expected to be earning an estimated $1 USD per day. If aka.com was to be sold it would possibly be worth $477 USD (based on the daily revenue potential of the website over a 12 month period). According to our google page rank analysis, the url aka.com currently has a page rank of 0/10. aka.com possibly receives an estimated 294 unique visitors every day - a decent amount of traffic!
i could suggest a lot of things, i would end up having an unwanted vacation which a few regs have had, but they never came back, since the introduction of new rules and regulations and the Aka police the site has been losing it's appeal and suffering a slow death, the excitement has gone, looking forward each night to log on, this is reason, some may have noticed i have mellowed in the last two years as i cannot forwith my true feelings without the fear of suspension
10 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Has anyone ask Admin,for thier opions,??
10 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Admin has mentioned to me in the past that they read everything that is sent to them and I know Roy has asked them several very good questions which IMO were worthy of responses.
I agree with Digger. It was more fun and interesting when the rules weren't so TCS. Take a look at the first page of the "top contributors". So many have dropped out, and many of them were controversial and helped keep things shaking. The people who are still here are fantastic, though, and it's because I like so many of them that I search for something to do here.
Some of the ads are really disgusting...the one with this picture, for example. I don't want to tell you what it looks like to ME, but it definitely needs medication!
10 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
... And, more to the point because I write in "Kay's special kind of way" (Quoting verbatim). ... would anyone actually click on this disgusting advertisement? Who would want that advertisement in the history of their computer? It is appears to be monstrously perverted. It can only lead to very bad things, in the most obvious sense of affairs. (Oh, there I go writing as I do. Bad me.). New slap on the wrists.
Considering the other flip of the coin, why would anyone desire to be quantified by a bully? I am sure by saying this, I am now suspended.