    Do you ever go to the cemetery to "pay your respects"?

    My dad would have been 100 the other day, so I got some flowers (artificial will stay on the site longer; real are removed within a week) for Dad/Mom. Sometimes, I just like to visit there (it's a beautiful place in the country and only ten minutes from my home) and "talk" to my parents. 
    Do YOU ever take flowers or (?) to the cemetery or make a donation in memory of someone?  If you do, please provide whatever information you are willing to often, who you are remembering/honoring, flowers, etc. 

    +5  Views: 1703 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago

    11 Answers

    I often stop at the Church where my Grandparents and 4 Aunts and Uncles ,and a brother-in-law are buried. I go to stand and think of them in quietness and peacefulness, it makes me feel good. My mother's ashes were scattered at the Crematorium, that was my sister's decision, not the same, but I do go there now and again.

    After my best friend died in 2005 I visited her grave every couple of months until 2008 when I moved away from Ft. Worth.  Visiting her grave site helped me to grieve her death and I always walked away from there not feeling so alone. 


    sssoooo sad, CB
    country bumpkin

    She had moved to Ft. Worth a few years before me and had asked me to move there after my divorce. Her daughter and my son were born one month apart, they were great friends and went to school together. She and I used to talk about them growing up and falling in love with each other and maybe get married then we would all be family. She had remarried so when she died her ex husband took their daughter and moved to Houston. My son and her have not seen each other since.

    Thank you, CB. We seem to be in the minority on the idea of visiting, and we also seem to gain the same comfort (not being alone) when remembering our loved one(s) at the cemwtery.

     G'day MsBob, I'm afraid i hav'nt been to the cemetary for a number of years to see the plaques on a wall where my parents ashes are inturned, i don't want to seem callous or insensitive, but they are only ashes, they are never coming back, the only thing i cherish is the loving memories of them that will continue until my own demise.


    Thats what i feel i guess,

    Totally understandable. My parents are buried, very different than cremation. But the bottom line is the same. When I go, it takes me away from the mundane and difficult of my hear and now. I can reminisce freely at the cemetery. It's right for me now; who knows later on (not that I've that much later on of my own).

    I respect anyone who takes comfort from visiting and tending to a grave of a loved one...I don`t like the idea myself...In our family we go for Cremations...I just feel the person is in my head and heart all the time and I can still talk to them in my head!...I`d find it too depressing sitting at a grave as that`s not how I knew the person in life!...Just my opinion!


    I thought it would be odd, but it's comforting, though I know I'm not really talking to my parents. My dad picked the site for the graves close to the road, he said, so people could just jump out of their car and stick flowers in the vase instead of trudging through the whole cemetery looking for their site. It struck me as amusing, for sure. It's less than ten minutes to the cemetery and a beautiful place, so it's not weird for me to seek solace there.

    That`s great that it`s comforting Bob...and you feel peaceful and comforted there!...It`s such a personal thing as to which way we prefer things to be done!..We have a bench in the rose garden opposite where my Grandparents lived for 50 years..I`ve only been back there once..I don`t really know if I want to go again..partly because I feel sad returning to where they lived and the park in which we played..but I know they`d be happy knowing that o people get use of it to sit in such a beautiful garden!:-)xxx

    You might find it joyful to relive good times! Take your children and reminisce!

    Yes..I know I should!Xx


    I miss my  parents very much too......especially my mom. I have to drive right by the cemetary every now and then, so I drop in to say high and see that their graves are being properly tend to. I don't really talk to my parents and my grandma while I'm there. I just say Hi. ......b/c I know their body is just a house that their soul lived in . And their soul is in heaven..

     People steal artificial flowers and crosses, etc that I have put on their grave.They even stole little artifacts that my friends put on their son's grave last April - - -2013. Their son was 34   :-(    It's been a year now since he died  :' -(  

    Yes, as part of the grieving process, I think it necessary.  This of course decreases as time goes on.  I have still tried to visit most graves of family at least once per year, I say a prayer over their grave, clean the stone with bleach, to remove any mildew, spruce up the grass, and plant flowers.  

    Both of my parents, even my step dad were cremated. As was my sister. I don’t know where the ashes are though I have a cup of my mother’s. My natural dad ended up in the Gulf Of Mexico at the time of Hurricane Andrew, I just know he’ll like it in Hawaii………..


    Dad and Izzy are probably talking about world events right now

    I usually stay away from cemeteries because I often experience strange happenings. I donated money to my college, in my Dad's name. They sent me a letter stating they used the money to buy photography books for their library. Interesting side note was that my dad was a photographer.

    Sorry Bob,i believe the bible,let the dead care for the dead,let the living look after the living,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< .always nice talking Bob...........


    No apology necessary; one tough thing I've noticed about saying one follows the Bible is, most of the time and most of the people are selective about what parts they follow. I try, and know I fall short of my expectation on a regular basis.
    terryfossil 1

    as do i Bob..>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    If you see and know "dead people" like I do, you wouldn't bother. My personal favorite is incineration 4 days after death and dump the ashes in the sea or river etc. The less said the better. 


    I don't know dead people at all. When I go, it is just to connect to a memory without distractions. My parents' remains are under those spots; it works for me; it doesn't seem to work for others.
    shortest answer ever in two words " cemetery freaky" the one in my locality is stinking, bushy, looks like some shrine and I don't think I would ever step my feet there

    Suppose your parents, best friend, spouse, other relatives are buried there.
    Do you visit the gravesite of someone you've lost to pay your respects or remember.

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