    how to design mechanical worm gear;bottle jack?

    0  Views: 2070 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 Answer

    Bottle neck or bottle jacks do not use worm gears. They use compressed gas, or air. 

    Worm gear jacks are different than bottle jacks. You are trying to combine two different jacks. That is what confused me about your first question. 

    I do not think anyone here can tell you how to build a bottle neck / worm gear jack and honestly I do not see the point of it. 


    There are two types of bottle jack
    1, hydraulic 2, mechanical
    the one you know is the hydraulic one, but the mechanical one uses bevel or worm gear.

    I think you should read my answer again. You seem to be confused about bottle neck jacks. You should learn more about them before you diss my answer. Bottle neck jacks are compressed air or gas. Mechanical jacks have worm gears. Bottle neck jacks are not mechanical jacks. I researched this twice because he asked virtually the same question twice. Then again I suppose it depends on where you live as to what you call the jacks. Judging by your name, I have to assume you do not live in the USA.

    Are you saying that there is no such a thing like mechanical bottle jack? If so, I don't agree with you because I've been given a project to design a mechanical bottle jack that uses worm gear which I don't think it varies from place to place

    I did not say that. What you are referring to is what we call floor jacks, not bottle neck jacks. Floor jacks (mechanical, not hydraulic) have a visible worm gear that the compressed air jacks do not have. You need to see his other question too to understand the confusion as to what exactly he is trying to do.
    You have been given a project to design. Does that mean the jack you are designing does not exist? As I said, it sounds to me like you have to design a jack the combines both styles of jacks.

    Are you the same person who asked this question? Or are you both going to the same school?

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