    The Copenhagen Zoo is mentally unsound! They killed a young giraffee , fed him to lions and now they have killed the lion Animal Planet is outraged! !

    Why are they allowed to keep killing healthy beautiful animals??

    +4  Views: 856 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    The European Association of Zoos and Aquaria -- a body governing 345 institutions -- said that the Copenhagen Zoo had not broken its codes of conduct and that it "has been consistent in its approach to animal population management, and high standards of animal welfare."
    The zoo supports natural cycles of reproduction and cub rearing, it said, and its lions are not part of a breeding program.
    "While EAZA regrets the death of the animals in question, we recognize the right of Copenhagen Zoo to humanely cull them in line with their policies," it added.

    I doubt they will be closing the zoo anytime soon if EAZA is supporting the killings.

    Colleen I think they did break the rules in front of children killing the giraffe then feeding it to the lions your right on one point it will never close it's the guy who did this that the Zoo is upset about there are petitions on getting fired not soon I hope xx

    5 Answers

    I hear they will be closing this establishment down in the near future, the sooner the better, I seriously hope the animals can be relocated properly.


    It is very hard for me to understand their culling agenda!

    They seem to think the animals wont survive anywhere else, they were born and bred in captivity, it is difficult for them to adapt to change.

    other zoo's ask if they could home them,

    Edinburgh has, but there are a lot of animals there.

    It's all to do with money but a few country's were willing to pay for this giraffe £20,000 a lot of money but know they wanted publicity and choose to murder this baby where it would have had another life anything can go back into the wild but it takes money and time and this will never happen I say close all the bloody zoos leave the wild animals where they belong they dint belong in cages ever x

    Yes I have signed so many petitions on this when they killed the Baby Giraffe they did it in front of the children it's disgusting and barbaric I hope it closes but really don't think it will I hope I am wrong this planet makes me sick there are far too many EARTHSCUM on this planet  



    I can't see your answer right now ! When I can I will respond But thanks anyway!

    That makes me sick and angry. Their license to be a zoo should be taken away from them.And the animals should be placed in a decent zoo. !!

    country bumpkin

    I see your point, but I don't totally agree with you. Any time I've gone to a zoo I see perfectly healthy animals and in my opinion these animals should not be locked up in a zoo,but left in the wild to be free where they belong. The animals with deformities such as missing a leg or an arm who can not survive on their own in the wild should be the only animals living in a zoo for their own protection.

    Considering the cost of zoo animals it seems rather stupid to kill young surplus animals that could be sold or exchanged in trade.

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