5 Answers
I hear they will be closing this establishment down in the near future, the sooner the better, I seriously hope the animals can be relocated properly.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Yes I have signed so many petitions on this when they killed the Baby Giraffe they did it in front of the children it's disgusting and barbaric I hope it closes but really don't think it will I hope I am wrong this planet makes me sick there are far too many EARTHSCUM on this planet
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
That makes me sick and angry. Their license to be a zoo should be taken away from them.And the animals should be placed in a decent zoo. !!
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |

Considering the cost of zoo animals it seems rather stupid to kill young surplus animals that could be sold or exchanged in trade.
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
The zoo supports natural cycles of reproduction and cub rearing, it said, and its lions are not part of a breeding program.
"While EAZA regrets the death of the animals in question, we recognize the right of Copenhagen Zoo to humanely cull them in line with their policies," it added.
I doubt they will be closing the zoo anytime soon if EAZA is supporting the killings. http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/26/world/europe/copenhagen-zoo-lions/index.html