    Do you want to be buried, cremated or frozen (cryonics), & does your family agree?

    +5  Views: 1933 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago

    11 Answers

    Cremated. Family has no issue with it. Wouldn't matter if they did. Cremation is my choice. 


    i think that's my choice too. i would consider freeze too if i was rich.

    I believe in reincarnation. I'll leave this old body behind and get a shiny new one. :)

    i hope that's true. i'd love a shiny new one too.

    That was my choice too.

    Dying is expensive, no matter what choice is made for your remains.  I've been leaning towards cremation because it costs quite a bit less, plus I can have the ashes buried with my parents or spread about in a place dear to me. 

    The most cheapest way possible for a cremation. I don't believe in expensive fancy funerals. If they made cardboard caskets that would do me fine.I have discussed this with family and even told them, no flowers. Sounds morbid but, that's my wishes.


    They have cardboard caskets here. They go for about $200.00 and are used for cremations. I've told my family, if I can be cremated without a casket of any kind, that's the way to go. The cheaper, the better. A pauper cremation, meaning I'm tossed in with others works even. They don't even have to pick up the ashes.

    Yep, my thoughts are the same.

    i give flowers for birthdays to friends and family members. but i don't take flowers to services. i like people to enjoys them while they see them. same for me give flowers while i can see them.

    Cremation will do for me. I'm claustrophobic.I couldn't bear to be buried alive.Same for my wife.


    My sister feels the same way. she said when she dies she just wants to be dead and not mistaken for dead and then wake up in a body bag or underground.

    by the time they get done embalming someone, they would be dead !

    cremation for both of us, and ashes thrown out to sea, family not impressed ,but to bad so sad,,,our life......death ,judgement ,heaven,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Buried is my plan, lots of hymns,  and lots of flowers. Problem is I won't be there to see them.


    I'm sure it will be beautiful and well-attended. Your spirit will be there! (Suggestion for a hymn, if you don't mind...How Great Thou Art)

    Well that is really amazing, that's one of my favourite hymns. My mother in law had that at her funeral. I just hope everyone sings , I hate it when people don't sing.

    Some hymns make me so emotional I can't sing...How Great Thou Art is one of them. We played HGTA in handbell choir years ago (I miss it so much), and my part was beautiful. The words, the melody...everything about that song is beautiful! We had it sung as a solo at Mom's graveside service.
    What a coincidence.

    That was my father's favourite song.:)

    OK, we have one song agreed upon???

    He would sing along with the radio every Sunday morning whenever that song was played & wake us all up.

    What a wonderful memory! Sounds like you had a pretty cool dad...singing you awake on Sunday morning!

    I coulda strangled him.LOL

    And how much do you think your kids and grandkids would have loved to hear Grandpa sing them awake some Sunday morning!
    And probably you'd love it, too.
    I wish I'd kept the phone message my mom left me months before she died.

    Yeah,you're right Phyl.My youngest never even got to meet him.He died April '74,she was born in June.

    My father-in-law died a couple of months after my youngest was born, but lived in NY compared to us in CA, so they never saw each other. I try to remind my sons of the people who touched their lives and were important, but died when they were pretty young. It's not easy, and then you think, "no one" is going to remember them in after MY sons are gone. :( We are so fleeting on earth.

    I don't want any of the three. The reason is No mater which one I would still be dead.


    i know what you mean.

    Dust thou art 

    And to dust returnet........

    is my choice.



    very poetic,sawali.

    This question has come up many times on akaQA. I asked it myself back in 2011. I already have a crypt in a mausoleum in Ohio where my husband is in his final resting place.Mine is next to his. As for my parents, my dad never thougth about cremation. So he was buried. But my mom was hinting around that she was for it, b/c for one thing, " it's a lot cheaper" she said. But, my bro and I talked her out of it.  Oh  well.

    It's kinda funny how my aunt and uncle never agreed on anything. So he was cremated, and she was laid out. But, at least his ashes are buried on their plot.

    Another alternative is Resomation, see I don't know where it is available but worth checking out.


    If it's cheaper and better for the environment, I'd go for it. I do not think it's an option here yet. My family knows, go for the cheapest and most environmentally friendly. No service required because it's an unnecessary expense.

    What an interesting concept and one which seems to be a better alternative to cremation. It IS available in the US; check the FAQ for more info.

    Let me be specific, here in CT. I have not taken the time yet to find out.

    Same here as regards my home state. It is an interesting and appealing alternative for me.

    thanks will check that out. never heard that word before.

    and there are green burials.....which are inexpensive.But, donating your body to a university costs next to nothing. And you would be helping the students to learn.There are two Univ med schools both about 20 miles from my house.

    Ideally, I would say, burial at sea, let the creatures who may like a free meal get one.  It would return me to live on, in a way.  Scientifically, donate me to science, medical students could practice their art of medicine on my remains, and then cremate the remains.  My family would like me buried conventionally, with expenses not needed to be spent, wood better than the average dining room table, wasted!  After a couple of years, I would not care if they did not visit the site, but just had a memory of my life, so burial is not necessary for that.  And I do not want to end up on a mantle, with others worried about me being spilled, so ashes off to sea... 


    Well, as long as they have a good vacuum cleaner...

    I'm overweight, it will clog!


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