Trays?...we`re at 3 weeks now...chubby little things..Mother is so little she struggles to carry even one!..(She`s getting lots of extra meals).
2 Answers
Millie get the trays now and when you see them squatting put them in it or if you have a little poo in the bed put it in the tray and leave it there they will know and smell and know where to go Mum will show them as well I would get the clumping cat litter you can get it in all natural materials like wood don't put to much in I have brought up kittens from birth as soon as they are of the bottle which is about a month to six weeks they are ready to go now x
10 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
According to webMD, kittens begin to dig and use loose material at about 4 weeks old.
This is all on you since the mother does not teach them how to use the tray [DISCLAIMER: according to the article and without testifying that it is FACT, scientific, chemistry, religious, or other , *SNICKER*]
OPINION! >> I would leave litter the mother has used but that you have cleaned. The scent may help them to understand what the tray and litter is for.
10 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Very cute! Good luck!