    How dose this Happen in a country with NO GUNS or should say with VERY VERY tough gun laws were people can not have GUNS

    0  Views: 539 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    Gun laws do not work. All they do is empower the criminals. People will still find a way to get a gun. Street guns are readily available in countries with strict gun laws. They are big money because the laws make it hard to purchase a gun legally. So the criminals set up shop and sell them. Street guns are desirable in a country with tough gun laws because there is no paper trail, no need to register them. In talking to a friend in the UK, she claims that 99% of the guns in the UK now are unregistered. People there are NOT following the gun law. Kids can easily get a gun in a country that has harsh gun control laws because so many are available on the street. Gun laws increase crime rather than deter it. Something that countries with strict gun laws have found out and are finding out. In Australia (just as an example of another country with tough gun control), the gangs are simply making their own guns. You can see the documentary about that on you tube. These guns are even more dangerous than the ones that law took away from the people. I have friends in the UK who are now upset that they allowed the government to force such gun control on them that they are now defenseless against criminals and can not rely on the police to get there in time to help. I have a friend who's house was robbed then robbed again a week later. She could only sit and let it be robbed. They are not allowed to touch a person who has broken into their home. They can not assault them otherwise they become the criminal. Yes, she called the police but in both cases it took far too long for them to get there. The robbers are still running free to this day. I hear it's the same in Australia. The resident of the home that gets invaded by a criminal can not touch the criminal. These laws against violence always work in favor of the actual criminal. They are protected by the laws where as the law abiding citizen is not. People should really stop and think about that and wonder why governments do this to the law abiding people. It's time o wake up and see the agenda.
    All I can say is, thank God that here in the USA, we still have the right to defend ourselves. Thank God that we have people willing to defend that right. We will not go down with out a fight. American pride and Patriotism will work against a government agenda to just take control over the people and tell them they can not defend themselves and take away the ability to defend themselves. We will not bow down to dictatorship and believe the dictators actually care enough to keep us safe. Gun control laws are nothing more than agendas to give governments power over the people. So, in a nutshell, (outside of being a run away train in my thoughts here) THAT is how this could happen in a country that has tough gun control laws.

    3 Answers

    We do have gun crime here in th UK, even though we have tough gun laws. Most people here don't want to own guns, and most people here would like to see more punishment to fit the crime. The area,where this shooting happened is rife with gangs and drugs, so it's not surprising that things like this happen there. We don't boast and brag about our gun laws, I don't know where you get that idea from, and most people here understand that in America it's your right by law to own a gun if you want to, and defend yourselves with them, we don't want that right here, you have it and it's your choice whether you keep it or not.


    Sunny, I see a lot of "we" in your comment but as I stated above, I know people in the UK who do not agree with your views. They want the ability to defend themselves. You must have missed past gun arguments here. People have compared their country's gun laws to the US gun laws and have boasted that they are a safer country than the USA because of their laws. Just about every gun law question that appears on this forum has always gotten it's share of people pointing out how bad the USA is because we do not have gun laws as tough as theirs. As for your last line, we will keep our 2nd amendment right because the majority of Americans want it. If we give up one right, we may as well give them all up. The 2nd amendment protects and defends the 1st amendment and so on.

    I think you may have got the wrong idea from my answer Colleen. What I'm saying is, most of the people I know of would not want to carry or own a gun in the UK. But. We respect the fact that it is part of your history and your right to do so ,if you want to. Most of my friends and myself would like to see a punishment to fit the crime,ie the death penalty imposed for cold blooded murder and rape. However ,that will probably never happen due to the liberal attitude of the people who run our country , irrespective of political party. There are parts of the world where it is probably necessary to carry a gun for protection, and if I lived in such places I would want to do the same. A friend of mine lived in South Africa for a few years, and he always carried a gun for that reason. So, I really don't see the need for anyone to carry guns in the UK , but as I said, it's your right to own a gun in America and I don't think anyone will change that, and it's certainly not our place in the UK to tell people in other countries what they should do. There is far too much of that going on in the world.

    OK, I think I get what you mean. You were speaking of people you know personally when you said, "we".

    There wasn't much information in the article you referenced.  Why does this happen in places where there are strict gun laws?  People break the law ALL THE TIME.  Some people drink and drive, or text and drive.  Some people shop lift, others embezzle, and still others murder.  It is part of society, a very horrific part, but there it is.  You want a good reason? There isn't one.


    Great answer ! But seeing how everyone loves to bash the USA when someone gets killed by a gun I just wanted to hear the reason why / how when it was in a country that they brag about not having deaths by guns . If it happened in the USA everyone here would have something to say about it and the gun laws we have

    It does happen here, REW, every day, somewhere. The scariest part is people are beginning to accept that as a way of life in the USA.

    True but if the shooting was in the USA the rest of the people here would have commented on it but seeing how it happened in the UK they are all hiding from it so I go with the next shooting that happens in the USA and gets posted here the rest should stay out of it

    Why post something if you do not want responses? It could be a slow night here. Give it a day or two. People will reply.

    I posted it to see what everyone was going to say seeing how they love to comment on a shooting in the USA and its not a slow night you all answered Dons question but its a shooting in the UK so they don't want it touch it in their backyard with all their great gun laws they say WE should have

    You have a good point there. Don's light questions are getting attention. The moderators are pretty active; you should get at least a couple of responses from them. I still encourage you to relax and be patient.

    Gun laws are only relevant to legally owned guns. The 15 year old who has been arrested for this girl's murder would not have owned the gun legally.

    Guns are readily available in the UK especially in areas where gangs exist such as Hackney where the crime was committed.

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