7 Answers
It was part of the Soviet Union, the older generation there seem to want the security that it gave them, the younger generation don't, but they didn't vote, bad move.
10 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
I think Putin is a dangerous man , but we probably need their Gas more than they need to sell it to us.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I don't agree with the take over. I've read quite a few articles about it with differing opinions as to what the west's response should be. I'm no expert in foreign affairs, but it seems to me that the big problem is that Putin is violating international laws established by the EU, US, Russia, China and the Asian countries. Everyone agreed to obey those laws and you can't have one rogue nation flaunting their power and taking advantage of the fact that everyone else is adhering to the legal framework.
I think everyone realizes that there wont be any military action taken in this situation. However, there are measures that the west can employ that will exact a penalty from Russia such as asset seizures, travel bans, putting missal batteries in eastern Europe. That last one is of great concern to Putin and Russia's economy is in a more precarious position that the west's so economic penalties will be more detrimental to Russia. In fact, any economic penalties Putin uses will actually hurt him more than us.
I read that Russia has enacted travel bans on some western officials and all I can say is " oh shoot".
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
You're right, there is no bringing back the Crimea, but the purpose of the sanctions isn't to cripple or disable Russia. They're intent is to cause enough pain to make them reluctant to continue in this manner. And the sanctions are having some effect. Their stock market is down 26%. I think that's right. And two of the credit rating agencies said yesterday that they may downgrade Russia's credit rating which would make borrowing more costly. Putin can strut and posture, but he knows the economic realities. What worries me is that we could become reactionary and establish a strong military presence in the Baltic countries and eastern Europe because I think the situation can be resolved without that, but as NATO members we would be obligated to halt any attempt to coerce them into a situation such as the one in the Ukraine.