3 Answers
Tess is about 9 months old, rottweiler/mutt mix. She probably weighs 50 pounds, and has a habit of standing on her hind legs to be as tall as possible, coming just under my chin at her top height (so she's not a tiny dog).
The funny(?) thing she does is jump into my arms. We are talking jumping 3 feet off the ground with her whole body, a veritable leap. Do I catch her? Every time.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Oh, no. They are just a pair of adolescence cats, like to stay out too late and love “sneaky treats”…….
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
With 3 cats around , they are always doing something comical. But the middle cat, Molly is quite a talker. She says, Hi, Mom, out , no , water, grandma, . And anytime I say hi to her she answers back. Everytime I ask her a question, she answers me, in cat talk.
10 years ago. Rating: 1 | |