    Did you think that the missing flight (Flight 370) should be made into a film?

    They say that the story would be confusing, but would make a great film when they get the results of the missing flight.

    +3  Views: 2357 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    I doubt there will be a happy ending to the movie.

    Only if they figure out exactly what happened to it and keep the movie factual. The only problem with factual is that it's boring to people who want drama and action. Flight 93 was made into a movie for TV. It got little reviews because many found it too slow and boring just waiting for those few minutes when the plane was driven into the ground.

    Not until the facts are known and even then, they’ll have to glamorize a lot.  It wouldn’t ring true to intelligent viewers……..

    As far as anybody knows, it was an uneventful flight until it disappeared.  The only way to make something like that movie-worthy is to intrude on the passengers' private lives and try to dramatize them...little snapshots of their lives interrupting the mundane-ness of the flight.  
    I don't see a happy ending here, either (see Pythonlover), so would not be particularly anxious to see a movie that ends in such tragedy (and there are many that do, I'm aware of that)

    it's already a movie. it's on tv 24 hours a day, or at least every show leads off with info as to where we are in the search. but, anything can be made into a movie depending on the creativity of the movie maker. and it would probably be a hit based on the way we're all so transfixed on this missing plane situation.  but i like anything about planes, and realizing most crashes are due to pilot error, overlooked plane maintenance error, i try to stay off of planes.

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