    The Church says our life belongs to God - religious people are also of this opinion I believe. Why then is Capital Punishment supported by some countries and the Church? It may be argued that the reasons for this are very different - but are they? There is an answer and a dichotomy here.

     - this should follow reasons being very different - but are they? The question here being who has the right to take a life?

    The Church and once the law saying suicide a crime. I do not believe in a person's lack of dignity, pain and suffering - not many do. Assisted suicide still up for question legally. This has to be strictly regulated - the person being of sound mind devoid of influence and abuse.

    I put my question in the wrong box. Just got it all mixed up - sorry.


    +1  Views: 662 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

    Not sure I agree with your perspective at the beginning, but the question you've presented is, who has the right to take a life?  You brought three scenarios into the question, and I think there is not one right answer which encompasses the three, suicide, assisted suicide, capital punishment.  

    Strictly speaking, were we to adhere to the commandment, "Thou shalt not kill", capital punishment would be out of the question.  The only things adults really suffer as punishment, are the loss of time and money.  Taking ALL of one's time....ultimate punishment.  

    I support the death penalty, administered in a much more timely fashion, but do not want to have the responsibility of so-sentencing someone to death.


    Bob/PKB - You are right there is not one right answer - but there lies the dichotomy - I think? I do not support the death penalty and I so agree with you about the loss of time. It's so late here. I hope David is getting chubby - just wanted to say - you probably know babies cannot see themselves in the mirrow until the age of two.

    Did NOT know that, Poppy3! He is small for his age (almost 8 weeks, only 9 pounds), but gaining steadily. Has had some fussy days, but is still withdrawing from the drugs. My son gets frustrated when David fusses every 20 minutes and is fed, burped, dry; I think he just can't put him down and let him cry more than a couple of minutes...not that I blame him. Today, I bundled him up into his sleeping circle, but kept a hand on his tummy til he dozed. Thank you for asking! I'll pass along your good wishes and the info about the mirror! :D

    Bob/PKB - Not that I know what drugs he has - please I am not asking. As I said before small babies gain weight very quickly. All the best - fuss is good and so understandable - maybe a little crying for the lungs.

    Agreed. I think the formula could be a little warmer for him; it is when I'm there alone, just a little bit.
    David's mother has a history of drug abuse, heroin being her DOC. She also enjoys painkillers and can, rumor has it, drink you under the table (and be very unpleasant in the process).

    In the old testatment, it talks about stoning people to death; or putting them to death by the sword.But, Jesus came to straighten all that out. He taught love and acceptance and equality to everyone .Yet, he received the death penalty himself.

     My church has never said anything one way or the other about  the death penalty or suicide. And yes, it is a Christian church. When I was a young teen my mom told me it was actually illegal to commit suicide. I wonder if that law is still on the books.They've never arrested anyone yet for trying suicide.


    Yes, it's illegal in this country but it is a crime with no penalty so there's no reason to arrest the survivor. The point of the law is to simply ensure that the survivor gets the help they need. Because it is illegal, this gives the courts the right to have the survivor place in a mental hospital for an amount of time as determined by the judge on the advice of the doctor who will treat the survivor.

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