    wholesale Auto parts?

    I am  ready to wholesale auto parts, I have contacted several suppliers, all because of the price and transportation distance causing divergence problem, is there anyone who can help me?

    0  Views: 1346 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    This is a worldwide general question and answer forum. We do not know where you are for starters. Secondly, why did you not investigate what it would cost to have parts shipped to your business before you started the business? We do not have a list of parts suppliers. You just have to keep checking the internet for wholesale parts suppliers who can deliver to your business (wherever it is) for a reasonable cost.  Typically, the more you buy, the cheaper the rates. 

    Recommend you some auto parts wholesale platform, wholesale auto parts manufacturers and suppliers directory :


    There are so many auto parts wholesale platform , but I remind you that,when you wholesale auto parts ,you should  pay attention to the points ,as follows:

    1?Choose normal auto parts manufacturers, and check to see if the trademark is complete.Formal manufacturers auto parts quality guaranteed, worth consumer trust.Wholesale auto parts, do you want to see the product on the outer packing product name, model, whether the producer name and address and other information is complete, the large, important parts should be equipped with product manuals, etc., should be paid attention to look at it.

    2?Check whether auto parts is rust.In the process of production, sales, handling a collision etc. Will lead to product failure, crack, deformation, etc., should pay attention to check carefully, especially the extrusion parts deformation caused by subtle should pay special attention to.In addition, the rusting of the parts is also often, when consumer is bought shall carefully check and lively.

    3?Check whether  the assembly parts is complete, do they  have any missing.Qualified formal complete assembly parts should be in good condition, if found to have individual small parts packing, missing, etc should be transferred in good time will cause the assembly parts won't be able to work even scrapped.

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