    Of All The Things I've Lost, I Miss My (fill in the blank) The Most

    My answer would be: YOUTH (Set me back to newborn; I'm OK with that)

    +10  Views: 1470 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    10 Answers

    The answer should be my parents, however, truth is that mostly I miss my late brother John.  John died at age 30 after an 11 yr. battle with cancers.  We were the closest of the 6 children, he next in age after me.  He left two children, 2 and 4 then, now grown.  I miss not having seen him grow as a parent, watching his children, and meeting his grandchildren grow up.  I miss not having him in our life coming to family events, going fishing with him, helping with DIY projects and loving having him as an uncle and great uncle to my clan. 


    Very sorry, Bustie. My mom's brother died at 31.They never really got over that. Ditto for my late husb. He was bereaved over his brother's early death.....the brother that was closest in age to Joe.

    Thank you, I understand how others feel, the loss of any loved one makes an impact on all of us. Sometimes greater, sometimes unexpectedly so!

    Bustie; My sister is gone by her own choice. The two of us which was a childhood inhabited briefly by three, endured an experience that was less than 'just ok'. It came to a point where my sister could not take life any longer.

    The emptiness that I feel is a continuous journey digging through the planet to China and back again.

    I am staring at the five year anniversary of her death. It feels as if it happened yesterday.

    I am fairly certain that I will feel this way forever.

    Warm Regards Fishy, although my brother died of cancer, he is still gone, as is your sister, and an emptiness remains in our hearts forever...

    Forever. One kid being with another kid, making, building, creating and laughing... a blessing. A large kind of love.

    Definitely my Mother, but I've also lost a few good friends recently and in the past, getting older sucks sometimes.


    Yes, Romos, We're at the age where our close friends are starting to die of the big C , or heart problems. Nobody told us we're going to face this, or that friends are going to mean so much to us.

    Getting older starts sucking ALL the time after a while. Losing family and friends will never be easy.

    Mine is the same as you, MsBob, the first thing that came to mind,'Youth', life was much simpler, not like the alcohol fueled violence of today, it was a time of enjoying life, 'Make Love Not War'.:)


    Much more mellow. And when I say "youth", I seriously mean being a child again.

    Ok, Ms. Bob, being a child was a time of innocence, no R rating or xxx movies, no computers, i pads, smart Phones, you had to make your own fun, riding bikes for miles soaking up the fresh air, playing war or cowboys and indians, in Australia it was magic in the fifties. :)

    My parents. They taught me so much that I’m only just now beginning to realize.  Why didn’t anybody tell me………?


    Just one more of those things we learn after the opportunity has passed...I suppose the best way to honor their memory is to do the best we can.

    I Wish i had some off my old friends back,


    I feel ya, Hector

    Me, too. Take comfort in your new friends here, but I hear you.

    Has to be My Dad...again!..(Sorry predictable Daddy`s girl talking)!;-0


    No apologies, Millie. Dads can't be replaced; neither can Moms. :(

    So true! XX

    My virginity.


    You'd rather be a virgin huh?

    No, not really but it would be great to be seduced by an experienced woman at age 18.

    I suppose I would have to say "being young and naïve". Thinking that you know everything, is so much easier than realizing that you know very little. It's the old adage of wishing I knew then, what I know now!


    Ducky, did you ever really think you knew "everything", or just more than your parents?

    Well, lots more than my parents, for sure!! lol

    free time and no worries i had as a kid.


    Free time! Ah, that sounds nice. I like being busy, though, assignments, projects...being lazy is too easy for me. If it were a profession, I would be a millionaire many times over.

    Free time! Ah, that sounds nice. I like being busy, though, assignments, projects...being lazy is too easy for me. If it were a profession, I would be a millionaire many times over.

    Bob i know what you mean. lazy is fun too.

    I Did not where im am today by having to much free time,

    Sweetie, uh, where exactly ARE you today?? :D

    Trying to be to be an upright aKaQA good citizan ,and become a good ten pin bowler like Miss Bob,

    Most of all, I miss my mother. Then, next in succession, my husband, my dad, my youth.

    My brother is not dead, but he ignores me. He lives in another state. He used to come here to see my parents. I miss him. I never get to talk to him.


    Give him a call, or send an email. He might be waiting to hear from you! If nothing else, you'll know you gave it a shot.

    Family really is everything.

    Some people just don't get it, do they FISH-O. Nobody here; you know who I mean.

    Beautiful Bobette: Lights on.... :) I miss you my friend. I have been down and out with a wicked flu/cold. Talk soon xoK

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