    What chance of similar-to-human life "out there"?

    Given the numbers of galaxies etc., and chances of Earth-likes . . . .

    +3  Views: 857 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    I think we are unique.  You won't find us anywhere else.  


    Maybe that`s a good thing!;-) xx

    Well since I believe we actually evolved from beings from outer space who seeded this planet (sorry, I do not believe the Adam and Eve and garden and snake story), I'm thinking there is a life out there that we might look very similar to. All the voices from the sky early man supposedly heard back during biblical times, I believe were voices from the beings that brought life forms here and dropped them off. I think they were the unwanted from other planets. This could explain the different cultures, skin colors and body stature among humans. I'm guessing earth was a penal colony and that we are descendants from a group of convicts, unmanageables and crazy beings who could not be made right or made to exist peacefully in their society. Sort of explains why human beings fall to the negative so easily. It's in our genetic makeup from our ancestors. It can also explain Cain killing Able when a brand new species should have had no understanding of killing yet. I mean come on, these were sons of a (supposed) newly created life form, sons of Adam and Eve, supposedly the first two people on this planet and one already kills? Then the story of a voice from the sky telling Abraham to kill his son? Either Abraham was on hallucinogenic drugs or it was a being or beings on a spaceship above the clouds messing with the man.  Then we have the immaculate conception of Mary, (artificial insemination, imo beings in space ships would have the technology) and Joseph hearing voices of angles, uh huh. Not buying into the "hearing angels" story. What about the people that lived to be 900 years old give or take? They could have been just a few dropped here that simply died out while other species continued on. David and Goliath, only one Giant? Yup, just another convict from another planet. Yes, I believe there are species out there that we resemble. Evolution would have changed our features though so the similarities could be mild now. 

    terryfossil 1

    you put so much into your answer Colleen,,,i have no answer for you..........................

    So much Bible bashing, at every opportunity. If it's a work of fiction for you, let it go already. It's offensive to me having you ridicule my book of faith and I'm asking you to stop, please.

    I have my opinions just like those who follow the bible and find fault with what others believe. You're a little too obvious bob coming in after I commented to Terry about mentioning the typical Christian threat. By the way, if you bothered to take the time and notice (instead of targeting only me) there are others on this forum that call the bible a story book, a work of fiction and other things. I've NEVER seen you call them on it however. Interesting, don't you think?

    No. It's not interesting. Most people who have different or lack of faith make a comment in passing. They don't feel the need to write tomes condemning and ridiculing. It's offensive to me, and it will continue. That's how it works here.
    Again, you aren't a target. There you go being paranoid again.

    There you go being non combative, drama free, and using only nice words rather than being rude again :) I will not limit my words. I will write as much as I want to express what I think. It at least occupies your time, gives you something to do. I find fault in the stories of the bible. I was not ridiculing, I was comparing one idea to another. Voices from the sky, yet none heard since the bible came into being. People have a right to question that. Christianity continues to attempt to make itself the #1 religion. By doing so, it keeps itself open to scrutiny and disbelief based on some of it's far fetched stories that it asks it's believers to take as truth based on faith alone.

    key word, FAITH.

    Right. Some of us do not need faith. Faith covers the questions that religion can not answer and give proof to.

    You, Colleen, wouldn't be allowed to bash the Koran on here, or the jewish Torrah.

    And yet you have mcm when you point out only what you feel are the bad parts of Islamic religion and compare them to Christianity. Remember? It was fairly recently too. They are your opinions of the religion even though a person of that faith would find your words and thoughts about their religion offensive. Do you think you were bashing the Islamic faith when you expressed your opinions and put it in a negative light?

    A very good chance ,they have even found some on AkQA,

    After having studied the , I think we are among the oddity creatures in the Grand Universe. 

    terryfossil 1

    you believe the Urantia book .com ....but not the bible,,,either way you believe mans writing

    Guess it depends now on which ideas of men he has found more believable.

    Terry, to me, belief and guess are the same thing. Belief is more emphatic and the proponents increasingly demanding, evangelistic or threateningly persuasive. Religionist often narrow their view of themselves and others and play a variety of social games to conceal motives, redirect attention, play one-up or "my God is better than your God". Many groups are secretive and militantly discipline or punish those viewed as "not part of their group" their service to God. Considering the paths of trial, education, conviction and execution ,,,usually skirting governmental is not surprising to see justifiable motivation for crime evolve from the minds of those groups' I study all religions, including science, technology, psychology and motivational ethics. Dualism is mythology having originated as strife among Greco-Roman gods and adopted in modern religions as a functional component of persuasion.

    hey,some people believe bigfoot lives,ghosts live ..all beliefs have consequences ,so believe what you want now, but know you must except the consequences if you are wrong,that goes for all of us.  nice talking.............................................................................................................................


    There's that threat again. Why do you people always feel the need to toss in a threat? Terry, think about it. What if there is a consequence to making threats that are unfounded? Stop tying to scare people into believing what you believe. That is against God's way. If you have to scare people into it, it can't be all that great now can it? Do you honestly believe that anyone who does not follow your path is being controlled by the devil? Do you realize just how much Christianity and Islam are alike? Both religions do nothing but threaten the existence of anyone who will not listen to them. By the way, to ridicule people who believe in spirits and Bigfoot is not nice at all. Man has more of a chance proving those two real than proving Jesus is God.
    Sorry but, "that goes for all of us", doesn't quite cover your tracks on this one.

    What does this answer have to do with Christianity or Islam?
    By the way, to ridicule people who believe in either or both of those is not nice at all, but yet it goes unchecked here consistently.
    Why do you people always feel the need to get offensive about someone whose faith you find absurd?

    See, I was not ridiculing. I was comparing and expressing the reasons I could not believe the stories of the bible. I have never said that anyone who believes in the bible will have to accept the consequences if they are wrong. You can play word games all you want but you know as well as I what Terry meant when he said " except the consequences if you are wrong" if one believes anything but the Christian belief. As for the two faiths, I see a lot of similarities between the two than either follower wants to believe yet both condemn the other. It's rather amusing to see the hypocrisy in religions.
    As for my comment to Terry, I had members on this forum in mind. Members who I know believe in Big foot and ghosts/spirits. I was not getting offensive. It was just a message that many here do believe in both those things that Terry warned they would suffer the consequences of.

    Yes, you were ridiculing the Bible. Back pedal and spout innocent all day, Colleen. I find it hurtful and offensive. The concept of faith is lost on you.
    And, it's "accept", not "except", for both of you.
    Now, as my parents taught me....

    There are millions who do not believe in or agree with the bible. Millions who question it and it's stories. You will never stop that. I have a God given right to question a religion that is consistently forced on others. Christian are famous for targeting non believers and threatening them with condemnation. When people find those acts hurtful, the Christian claims they are just trying to save them. Sorry Bob but if you truly have faith, no words that question the bible should affect you. I quoted Terry. As a direct quote, I can not change the spelling because that then makes it not a direct quote. Please note this direct quote of my own words: "I have never said that anyone who believes in the bible will have to accept the consequences if they are wrong." Please note, I used the correct accept. Thanks anyway.

    "its" stories. "it's" means "it is". "its" means "belonging to it"
    Why should it not be hurtful to have my faith ridiculed? It is hurtful when anything and anyone I love is ridiculed.
    There is no argument here; you obviously don't know very many Christians or have a thorough knowledge about them. I'll remember that next time.
    Have a good day, Colleen.

    It's obvious you are just guessing. LOL I was raised Christian. I know a great many Christians. Some here, many in my real life, (a lot of my family members are Christian), many on Facebook and even more in the discussion groups I am involved in outside of akaQA. If you deny such Christians as I've mentioned exist, then it's obvious you do not know many Christians or you choose to ignore those who do not think your way. I am quite well acquainted with many different Christians (different in how they believe compared to other Christians) but the one thing I have noted that all Christians share in common is "the threat". Accept Christ and the Christian beliefs or suffer the consequences. Some may not vocally use the threat against others but inwardly, they believe it. No, I did not guess at that, I've actually asked people who claim everyone has free will and they will not condemn non believers. I've asked them in spite of what they say, do they believe non believers will go to the devil. Yes, they believe that. Do you believe that Bob? I know Terry does because he and I have had this discussion many times. I believe he is wrong and he believes I will not go to heaven because 1. I'm a lesbian and 2. I do not accept Christ as my savior. Does his words offend me? No because I know it's his religion talking. His religion might offend me but he does not. He feels safest if he believes. I will not begrudge him his safety net from those consequences that he threatens others with.

    Thank you Colleen. Terry has a right to his opinion, but like children with matches, there comes a time to use a garden hose on the rascal. You know do unto others...and back.


    There are over 2.18 billion Christians in the world. I sincerely doubt, Colleen (LOL) that you know a minuscule fraction of 1%. But, as you say, I'm only guessing.

    Please Bob. I sincerely doubt you thought that I would know all of them when you were guessing I do not know very many. I'm sure I interact with a great number proportionately to any one person's life however.
    terryfossil 1

    Colleen, "that goes for all of us " means just that..i am sure you would agree,that nowhere in this world or any other world,,do you get something for nothing,,only the very naive would believe that,,the free gift of Jesus is only free if you accept it.if you dont accept it then you dont get it..pretty simple.. always nice debating..........................
    terryfossil 1

    fair enough Robert,should i see you with a hose, i will know how to react,,nice swapping words.... as always.............................

    You just proved my point Terry. Thanks for the discussion :)
    terryfossil 1

    hey Bob cheer up,,as Christians we must accept the debate for and against Christians,,and it is not a surprise,as we believe.when Jesus came to earth,,he was stuck on a tree with nails and a spear shoved in his side,,by his own people,,they found it hard to believe in him and he was right there,,so how much harder for people who have not seen him..the important thing is ,that while we keep talking about him.people learn,and choose what they want.Christianity is a choice thing,and if someone wishes to debate their belief against mine.then i encourage debate..without conversation you will not learn anything......

    I must agree with you, Terry, debate is a good way for people to learn about faith and Jesus, and it is a good way for those who already believe to learn even more. Personally, it's the right faith for me, and I wish everyone WOULD get on board with Christianity, because I would like to save the whole world saved.
    terryfossil 1

    i do not make the threats,the words i use are written in the bible,that we call gods word,,i do not scare anybody,and how can i scare anybody who does not believe in the god of the bible,,should the islam god turn out to be the true god,which i do not believe,,but i would suffer the conseqences of their god.. and on it goes..always good talking Colleen..........


    Since every star out there is a sun and has it's planetary system, it would be ego centric to think that  WE are the only  planet that has intelligent human life.....that has a soul and a brain and can think. God is THE GOD of the whole universe; and he made other people on other planets in his likeness. It says so in the bible.

    terryfossil 1

    MCM ,I would be very happy if you could tell me where in the bible he say's he made other people..thank you

    Terry, the bible says God made the heavens and the earth; and everything that's in the heavens.
    terryfossil 1

    hi MCM,i think the bible only speaks about the creation of the heavens,the creation of earth,and the creation of us,i do not know of anything else,,but i am willing to listen........nice talking MCM..................

    Terry, When the final judgment comes along I will be prepared with lots and lots of crosses to help in your final sacrifice too. It's a ghastly job but apparently lots and lots of folk are looking to becoming a living sacrifice for all the sins in the world. I am a man ahead of my time and I hope you are too,
    terryfossil 1

    hey Robert, i am hoping to dodge the sacrifice bit,i would rather take a right cross..than any other sort of cross

    i've heard on several tv programs that there is the possibility that more beings might be somewhere else in the universe, and i hope they stay where they are. we should stay where we are and stop trying to find them.  As the astrophysicists, Hawkins (in wheelchair) said, finding alien beings could spell the end of us humans on planet earth.  people aren't happy with the little problems we have here on earth, (which they can't solve) they want bigger problems.

    terryfossil 1

    no peaceful loving alien would come near a blood thirsty planet like earth,,,but surprise me

    terryfossil 1 that's kind of funny. Something about aliens does tickle me. i personally they have come here. Also i love to remember the first law of nature. Survival of the fittest. Also you know we humans shoot at anything we don't understand or can't control. And from what i've heard we wouldn't stand a chance against their technology. Let's hope we don't have anything they need or want, if so we're pumpkin pie.
    terryfossil 1

    good to go out with a full stomach,,even if it is pumpkin pie Tabber...........................

    Well Terry, when all is said and done My friends here Satan, Michael and l will be along side the trail and see you going sure to wave and we may let you come back for more.

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